Skyfire, part of the L'Outrance Circuit, is one of a few aerial arenas
in the U.S., sharing the spotlight with Reno and Osgosh. Built in 2036
on the ground of the old Akron airport, the arena is located outside the
city walls, making it subject to attacks by local gangs. Luckily the arena
has several VMGs emplacements and aircraft for defense. It's not uncommon
for visiting duelists to help fend off one of these gang attacks. Over
time gangs, at least the local ones, have learned to leave the arena alone.
After several gang hideouts were bombed out of existence the local gangs
learned to leave well enough alone.
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Arena Notes:
The floor of the arena is covered with dirt and gravel and is treated
like an off-road environment. Four permanent towers stand 105 feet high
(7 game inches) had have 75 DP each. Four turrets are on top of each tower,
and each turret is equipped with two linked VMGs. For some events, pylons
(as tall as the towers but only with 40 DP each and no turrets) are added
to the arena.
To the west of the Skyfire Aero-Arena sits the rebuilt
old Akron Airport. This is where the dueling pilots keep and service their
airplanes. In emergencies, however, pilots can land on the arena floor.
Grandstands and the viewing area have a total of 50,000 seats.
Arena Schedule:
Sunday - Amateur Night
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Team Events
Thursday - Challenge Night
Friday - AADA Divisionals
Saturday - Special Events
Air Racing Restrictions:
No dropped weapons of any kind are allowed. This includes all types
of bombs. Weapons are limited to direct fire only, front and rear mountings.
Depending on division, the amount of spaces devoted to weapons is restricted
as well.
Combat usually is allowed after the first lap is completed. Starting speed is 100 mph at seven inches in altitude. The Racing is limited to between six to eight inches in altitude, anyone straying out of the racing area is disqualified.
Skyfire Special Events:
Racing - Held in three classes (helicopter, mircoplanes, and airplanes)
in divisions 30 to 100+. Extra pylons are added for some of these races
to spice up the race course. Racers start in a pack and typically must
complete four laps. After the first lap, combat is permitted. Jet aircraft
can only race against other jets, and propeller-driven planes can only
go against other prop jobs.
Cars vs. Airplanes Race - Who's faster? This event dares to ask that question. Cars and airplanes of equal divisions (30 to 100+) start out at the same speed. A four lap event, combat is allowed after the completion of the first lap. Six extra pylons can be added to expand the course. Prestige is doubled.
Grasshopper Racing - Using the grasshopper's unique abilities, this form of racing pushes such vehicles to their limits. Again, held in the usual division range of 30 to 100+; all racers begin from a standing start. The four-lap event occasionally makes use of the extra pylons. For the first lap the racers are on the ground. On the second lap they begin to get airborne so that they can complete the third lap in the air. The final lap the racers must descend and finish the lap on their tires. Combat is permitted between the third and fourth pylons only. The racer that crosses the finish line on his tires wins. If the extra pylons are used, combat is allowed between pylons 5 and 7.
Airshows and Reenactments - Twice a year Skyfire hosts an airshow that has plenty of acrobatics. Though is no actual combat, props of buildings and towers are emplaced on the arena floor. Simulated bombing runs, using smudge pots and small explosives, entertain the crowd. Late spring and early fall are the usual dates for these shows.