Linden Motors Disguise: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, gunner, RR front, MG in turret, FOJ rear. Sloped armor: F38, L30, R30, B30, T28, U18 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 95, HC 2; 5,606 lbs., $14,271. DJ
Carpool: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant with PC, 4 PR tires, driver, gunner, 2 passengers, RR front, PS rear. Cargo capacity: 605 lbs., 2 spaces. Armor: F40, L30, R30, B30, T20, U20 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 100/92.5 fully loaded, HC 2; 5,515 lbs., $11,410. DJ
Barbette Belle: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant with PC, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 2 linked MMLs in turret, 2 linked MMLs with incendiary ammo front, MML rear, MML in barbette left, MML in barbette right, SWC, 4 smart links. Sloped armor: F45, L33, R33, B33, T25, U10 with 4 5-point wheelguards and 4 5-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 6,116 lbs., $22,803. DJ
Amex Combat Autoworks Grinder: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant with PC, 4 SB solids, driver, HVMG with magazine front, SD with napalm loads rear linked to HVMG, 10 points of component armor each for driver and power plant, HD shocks, HRSWC, safety seat. Sloped armor: F61, L39, R39, B33, T10, U15 with 4 10-point wheelguards and 4 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 6,118 lbs., $26,901. DJ
Dog Day Afternoon: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant with PC, 4 solid tires, driver, VMG with explosive ammo front, HDFT with HT fuel rear, hi-res computer, no paint/tinted windows, HD brakes, 10 points of component armor each for driver and power plant, FcD rear. Sloped armor: F50, L30, R30, B45, T10, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 3; 6,120 lbs., $23,400. DJ
Jack of Tacks: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. supsension, large power plant with PC, 4 SBPR tires, driver, BC with extra magazine front, 3 SDs with explosvie loads located one each at corner-mounted left rear, corner-mounted right rear, and back. 2 links, 10 points of component armor for driver, FoD rear, SWC. Armor: F50, L40, R40, B50, T10, U15 with 4 10-point wheelguards and 4 5-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 6,120 lbs., $19,590. DJ
Range Manager: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, OR suspension, large power plant with PC, 4 OR solid tires, driver, AC with magazine and HD ammo front, SD with incendiary loads rear linked to AC, infrared, brushcutter, roll cage, no paint/tinted windows, SWC, 2 bumper triggers, HD brakes, LDR, radar, radar detector, radar jammer, FcD rear, safety seat. Sloped radarproof /fireproof armor: F47, L35, R35, B35, T10, U20. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2/3 OR; 6,118 lbs., $48,865. DJ
Linden Motors 2044 Chameleon-S: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, gunner, RR with magazine front, LMG in turret, MFR front, 10 points of component armor for driver and gunner. Armor: F50, L42, R42, B40, T20, U5, 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2; 5,996 lbs., $14,382. Update by DJ
Radius Motors Junker: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 4 plasticore tires, driver, RL front, 6 junkdroppers - one left, right, right rear corner, left rear corner, and 2 rear. Link, 2 bumper triggers, SWC. Armor: F35, L35, R35, B35, T14, U20. Accel. 5, top speed 107.5, HC 3; 6,116., $14,882. Heavy Metal Junker -- change RL ammo to AP and computer to hi-res swc. Metal armor: F7, L7, R7, B7, T2, U4. 6,080 lbs., $15,455. NM
Fusilade-S: Sedan, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant w/PC, 4 SBPR tires, driver, MG front w/explosive ammo, 3 linked HRs left, 3 linked HRs right, spoiler. Sloped Armor: F52, L52, R52, B48, T6, U8, 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2/3 @ 60+; 6,112 lbs., $14,517. DJ
Blasfighter XXI (Long Distance): Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/PCs & SCs, 2 extra power cells, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine front (all HESH) front, SD w/explosive ammo rear, link from BC to SD, LDR. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/40, L0/40, R0/40, B04/40, T0/15, U0/15 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 97.5, HC 2; 6,120 lbs., $29,704. Range - 400 miles. NM
Blastfighter XXII (Hauler): Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy supsension, large power plant w/PCs & SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine front, SWC, HD transmissions, hvy hitch. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/45, L0/45, R0/45, B045, T0/15, U0/15 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 97.5, HC 2; 6,114 lbs., $30,970. Pulling capacity - 7,680 lbs. NM
Blastfighter XXIV (Family): Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/PCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 passengers, BC front, SD w/explosive ammo rear, SWC. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/50, L0/50, R0/50, B0/40, T0/10, U0/19 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 6,116 lbs., $26,378. NM
Blastfigher XXXI (Ironclad): Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/PCs, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine front (all HESH), SD rear linked to SD right (all ammo explosive), link from BC to SDs, HRSWC. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/25, L10/20, R10/20, B10/20, T0/4, U0/10. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 3; 6,116 lbs., $29,910. NM
Blastfigher XXXIII: Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy
chassis, OR suspension, large power plant w/PCs, 4 OR solid tires, driver,
BC w/extra magazine (all HESH) front, SD w/explosvie ammo rear linked to
BC, extra magazine for SD (explosive ammo), HRSWC, overdrive, HD brakes.
Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/10, L7/10, R7/10, B7/10, T0/4, U0/4. Accel.
5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 6,112 lbs., $24,631. NM
Version A - OR suspension
to heavy, OR solid tires to solid tires, remove overdrive. Add SWC and
two points of plastic armor. $19,671.
Amex Rolling Debris: Sedan, light chassis,
improved suspension, medium power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, gunner, MML
front, JD left linked to JD right, JD rear, 10 points CA for crew, 10 points
CA for power plant, 10 points CA for MML. Armor: F12, L8, R8, B8, T1, U3.
Accel. 5, top speed 95, HC 2; 3,900 lbs., $4,980. Cargo capacity: 1 space,
300 lbs.
Maneuver version - remove
MML. MML component armor switched to rear JD. Suspension to heavy, add
spoiler. HC 3/4@60+; 3,865 lbs., $4,830 Cargo capacity: 2 spaces,
335 lbs. DJ
Blastfighter 34: Sedan, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 250 cid gas engine, 5 gallon dueling gas tank, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine and HESH ammo front, SD w/extra magazine and explosive ammo rear, HD brakes, overdrive, SWC, link - BC to SD. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/15, L7/15, R7/15, B7/15, T0/4, U0/4. Accel. 5/2.5 with OD, top speed 82.5/102.5 with OD, HC 3; 6,113 lbs., $24,484. NM
Blastfighter 40: Sedan w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/PC, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine and HESH ammo front, 200 lbs rocket booster rear, HD brakes, overdrive, SWC, high torque motors. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/30, L7/30, R7/30, B7/30, T0/5, U0/10. Accel. 5/10 with HTM (2.5 with OD), top speed 92.5/67.5 with HTM (112.5 with OD), HC 3; 6,120 lbs., $29,054. Add 30 acceleration when rocket booster is fired. NM
Blastfighter 42: Sedan, standard chassis, standard suspension, large power plant, 4 standard tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine rear, JD left linked to JD right. high torque motors, overdrive, HD brakes, link - BC to JDs. Armor: F35, L30, R30, B35, T2, U3. Accel. 5/10 with HTM (2.5 with OD), top speed 100/75 with HTM (120 with OD), HC 1; 5,100 lbs., $13,330. NM
Blastfighter 36: Sedan, x-heavy chassis, heavy suspension, 150
cid gas engine w/tubular headers and blueprinting, 5 gallon dueling gas
tank, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/extra magazine front, SD w/explosive
loads and two extra magazines rear, HD brakes, overdrive, SWC. Sloped metal/plastic
armor: F18/20, L7/20, R7/20, B7/20, T0/2, U0/3. Accel. 5/2.5 w/overdrive,
top speed 62.5/82.5 with overdrive, HC 3; 6,120 lbs., $24,239. NM