Sideswipe: Pickup, x-hvy. chassis, OR suspension, super power plant, 6 OR solid tires, driver, three passengers, SS rear, fire extinguisher. Cargo capacity: 11 spaces, 2,635 lbs. Armor: F10, L10, R10, B10, T10, U10. Accel. 5 (10 if carrying only 35 lbs of cargo), top speed 120/90 fully loaded, HC 2; 5,165 lbs., $14,870. DJ
Cannoneer: Camper, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 6 SBPR radial tires, driver, 2 BCs linked front, 10 points of component armor for driver, SWC. Cargo capacity: 7 spaces, 8 lbs. Armor: F43, L30, R30, B30, T10, U10 with 4 10-point wheelguards and 4 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2; 7,792 lbs., $29,640. DJ
Scottsbluff Utilities Gopher Cannon: Pickup with one-space extension, x-hvy. chassis, OR suspension, super power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, 2 linked HVMGs front, HD shocks, HD brakes, HRSWC, tinted/no-paint windows. Armor: F65, L37, R37, B37, T15, U15. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2 (2 OR); 7,796 lbs., $42,982. DJ
Courier Services Trailmaker: Camper, x-hvy. chassis, OR suspension, sport power plant, 6 OR PR tires, driver, pulse medium laser in universal turret, laser battery, infrared, fire extinguisher, large mini-safe, HRSWC, brushcutter. Cargo Capacity: 4+2 spaces, 570 lbs. Sloped armor: F35, L30, R30, B30, T25, U20. Accel. 5, top speed 102.5/100 fully loaded, HC 2/3 OR; 7,230 lbs., $41,700. DJ
Excalibur Turret: Pickup, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, 2 linked HMGs with HD ammo in turret, SD with explosive loads rear, SWC (HMGs). Sloped armor: F50, L50, R50, B50, T45, U11. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2; 7,791 lbs., $24,996. DJ
Excalibur 2044 Combatant: Pickup, hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, RR in turret with magazine, SD left linked to SD right, SWC. Armor: F50 (ramplate), L41, R41, B41, T35, U15. Accel. 5, top speed 95, HC 2; 7,143 lbs., $19,156. Update by DJ
Amex Giant Killer: Pickup, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 6 plasticore tires, driver, RR in turret, RR magazine, MFR front. Armor(metal/plastic): F14/6, L9/0, R9/0, B8/0, T8/2, U1/0. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2; 7,798 lbs, $19,287. DJ
Fire Line: Pickup w/1-space extension, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, sport power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, HMG w/HD ammo in universal turret, FCGS in sponson turret rear w/magazine, spoiler, airdam, overdrive, HD shocks. Sloped Armor: F35, L45, R45, B60, T28, U15 with 4 10-point wheelguards and 4 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5/2.5 w/overdrive, top speed 100/120 w/overdrive, HC 1/2 @60+; 7,793 lbs., $34,143. DJ
Strange IV: Pickup, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 6 PR radial tires, driver, heavy sonic cannon front, overdrive, high torque motors, SWC. Armor: F65, L65, R65, B65, T1, U10. Accel. 5/10 with HTMs, top speed 90/67.5 with HTMs (110 with overdrive engaged), HC 3; 7,791 lbs., $24,812. NM
Bocage: Camper, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, LMG front, OJ rear w/pyrophoric oil, SD w/magazine left linked to SD w/magazine right, SD w/catalytic spikes and magazine rear, link - OJ to rear SD, link - OJ/SD to side SDs, link - LMG to rear weapons. High torque motors, spoiler, airdam. Armor: F40, L45, R45, B50, T5, U8 with 2 10-point wheelguards and 2 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5/10 with HTMs, top speed 90/67.5 with HTMs, HC 2/3 @ 60+; 7,787 lbs., $24,590. DJ
Cup Holder: Camper, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, sport power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, 2 gunners (one in cupola), 3-space universal cupola top w/MG (HD ammo), MG magazine (explosive ammo), magazine switch, infrared, extra driver controls, HD shocks, HRSWC - cupola gunner/MG, sleeping area (in cargo space), streamlining. Sloped armor: F30, L30, R30, B30, T30, U20 with 2 10-point wheelguards and 2 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 110, HC 2; 7,685 lbs., $38,310. Cargo capacity: 2 spaces and 115 lbs. DJ