Luxury-size cars are the kings of the arena, having won more championships than any other type of vehicle. This body style has the space to allow for a great deal of variation in design, and the potential to carry incredible amounts of armor.
2045 MOOSE
DKI engineers used the latest automotive technology to update this
classic design.The armor is still moderate, although it is backed up by
component armor on everything inside the car. The tires are also fully-protected.
2045 Moose: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR radial tires, driver, 2 VMGs w/ rotary magazines linked F (ammo is 1/2 HD & 1/2 explosive), HrSwc, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on linked VMGs, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F40, B40, R35, L35, T13, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $24,306.
This vehicle is the result of a design partnership between DKI Automotive
and Radius Motors. It is a limited-production Division-100 design protected
by almost 1.5 tons of sloped fireproof armor and armed by twin, front-mounted
X-ray pulse lasers.
Star Cruiser: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 FP solid tires, driver, 2 PXLs linked F, cyberlink, laser battery, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on fuel tank, Sloped FP Armor: F75, B70, R65, L65, T10, U10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,580 lbs, $99,980.
The following three vehicles are regular-production Division-60 designs.
They feature a common chassis & engine, heavy composite armor and extensive
use of component armor.
War Cruiser: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, HVMG w/ HD ammo F, 1 extra magazine (explosive ammo), cyberlink, magazine switch, HD shocks, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 10 pts FPCA on HVMG, Sloped Composite Armor: F18/50, B0/65, R0/52, L0/52, T0/10, U0/10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,600 lbs, $58,248.
Battle Cruiser: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 laser-guided VFRPs w/ AP rockets linked F, turreted VMG, IrTl w/ Lgl (F), hi-res computer, blow-through concealment for VFRPs, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on fuel tank, Sloped Composite Armor: F18/40, B0/60, R0/50, L0/50, T0/10, U0/10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,540 lbs, $54,320.
Heavy Cruiser: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, PXL (F), linked OJ & ID w/ 1 extra magazine each (corner-mounted R & L), HrSwc, laser battery, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, Sloped Composite Armor: F20/50, B0/70, R0/57, L0/57, T0/10, U0/10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,540 lbs, $58,088.
DKI Automotive purchased the rights for this design from Rothschild
Autoworks in June, 2044 and updated it, correcting the flaws of the original,
namely light armor and unprotected tires.
2044 Firepower: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 ACs linked F, turreted VMG w/ HD ammo, hi-res computer, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50, B40, R45, L45, T20, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $44,970.
The Mander is a solid, reliable vehicle designed with mid-western practicality
in mind. It is equally at home on the road and in the arena.
Mander: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, ATG w/ APFSDS ammo F, 1 extra magazine (HESH), FOJ (B), Swc, magazine switch, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on ATG & extra magazine, 10 pts FPCA on FOJ, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F60, B40, R45, L45, T9, U9. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $19,801.
The Fakeout from DKI/New Omaha is designed to exploit the fearful antipathy
that all duellists have for ram plates. What an opponent doesn't know will
hurt him, as the Fakeout driver will sidewipe him, triggering the RL/FOJ
combination. The combined hazards from the sideswipe and the weapons will
almost certainly send and enemy vehicle spinning out of control.
Fakeout: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 2 RLs w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), 2 FOJs (1 R, 1 L) linked to RLs, Swc, blow-through concealment for all weapons, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, fake ram plate, Sloped Armor: F60, B50, R55, L55, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,290.
This vehicle is a more heavily-armored version of the basic Fakeout.
The weapons layout is designed to send enemy duellists spinning out of
control while depriving them of the ability to see their targets. Since,
this vehicle has no direct-fire offensive weaponry, the best tactic to
use when engaging a Fakeout II is to blast it to pieces with ranged weapons.
Fakeout II: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 PSs w/ bunper triggers (1 R, 1 L), 2 OJs (1 R, 1 L) linked to PSs, 2 IDs (1 R, 1 L) linked to PSs, FOD (B), blow-through concealment for all weapons, weapon timer, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, fake ram plate, Sloped Armor: F60, B50, R65, L65, T13, U14. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $19,984.
The Fakeout III is a heavily-armed version of the basic Fakeout design.
Its weapons layout is intended to send a duellist spinning out of control
because most of his vehicle has been destroyed. The safest way to engage
this vehicle is from the rear.
Fakeout III: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, XL (F), 2 RLs (1 R, 1 L), 2 FCEs (1 R, 1 L) linked to RLs, targeting computer, blow-through concealment for all weapons, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, fake ram plate, Armor: F65, B55, R60, L60, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $43,600.
The Firehammer is a moderately-armored Division-20 vehicle with a punishing
amount of firepower. It was used as the basis for several other DKI designs.
Avoid the front if at all posible.
Firehammer: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 2 ATGs w/ APFSDS ammo linked F, FCGS (B), HrSwc, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 2 8-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F40, B30, R35, L35, T8, U8. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,584 lbs, $19,992.
This vehicle is a revised version of a design which Michael Garrity
used to win the 2043 NOVA duelling championship. There is no easy way to
defeat this beast, especially since the tires are heavily-protected.
2046 Firehammer: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 ATGs w/ rotary magazines linked F (5 shots HESH & 5 shots APFSDS in each), FCGS w/ 2 extra magazines B, Swc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F70, B65, R55, L55, T11, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $39,396.
A Fire Demon is the perfect vehicle for duellists who like to burn
things. For those duellists with non-fireproof armor or gas engines, it
is their worst nightmare come to life. This vehicle's driver also has the
option of circling around and finishing off burning vehicles with the laser-guided
VFRP. In combat, try for tire shots.
Fire Demon: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 HDFTs linked B, laser-guided VFRP w/ IrTl & Lgl (F), targeting computer, blow-through concealment for HDFTs, 10 pts CA on driver, Sloped Armor: F55, B55, R50, L50, T10, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $37,582.
This vehicle is one of the previously-mentioned variants of the Firehammer
design. It combines that vehicle's devastating firepower with the BlastFighter's
heavy composite armor and dropped-liquid weaponry. As an added bonus, the
HammerFighter is immune to laser-guided weaponry.
HammerFighter: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 4-gallon racing tank, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 ATGs w/ rotary magazines linked F (5 shots HEAT/5 shots HESH each), OJ (corner-mounted R), ID (corner-mounted L), SS w/ hot smoke U, 2 pairs linked ice/oil dischargers w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), HrSwc, weapon link (OJ/ID), 4 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L) linked to SS, Sloped Composite Armor: F18/40, B0/40, R0/60, L0/60, T0/10, U0/10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,599 lbs, $39,915.
The Radius Motors' Hershiser is designed to allow a duellist to place
ice & oil right in front of an opposing vehicle. The Hershiser's gunner
can use the turreted HMG to pick off wounded opponents or worsen their
handling class. Even though the Hershiser is lightly-armored, it is not
a desireable opponent.
Hershiser: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super power plant, 4 solid tires, driver & gunner, OG (F) w/ link to PG (ice ammo), turreted HMG, 2 Swc, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F35, B35, R35, L35, T20, U14. Acceleration: 5, HC: 2, Top Speed: 102.5 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,228.
Hershiser "A": Replace super power plant with large power plant and add SCs. Replace solid tires w/ SBPR tires. Add 10 pts CA to driver/gunner compartment and upgrade Swc to HrSwc. Sloped Armor: F45, B45, R45, L45, T22, U10. Top Speed: 90 mph, $23,064.
Hershiser "B": Add CA frame. Sloped Armor: F60, B50, R50, L50, T50, U14. $29,528.
This vehicle was originally produced by Guns & Gadgets, Inc., a
corporation which went out of business along with Essex Duelcars. The Zentradei
Imperator is designed to overwhelm its opponents with a massive rocket
barrage. The turreted RR was included to harass vehicles with metal armor.
A variant with laser-guided VFRPs is available, making this fearsome design
even more dangerous.
Zentradei Imperator: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver & gunner, 2 VFRPs linked F, turreted RR w/ HESH ammo, 2 Swc, Sloped Armor: F45, B35, R40, L40, T20, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $21,855.
Imperator "A": Remove 5 points armor, add IrTl w/ Lgl for VFRPs and upgrade Swc to HrSwc. $34,295.
The Budget Tank was a custom-built design produced for S.A.S/Zebra,
an AADA chapter which used to operate in Ames, Iowa. It has an interesting
weapons layout and the crew necessary to exploit it.
Budget Tank: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 200 CI gas engine w/ 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 SB solid tires, driver & gunner, BC w/ HESH ammo F, RL w/ incendiary ammo F, turreted RL w/ incendiary ammo, RL w/ incendiary ammo B, SD w/ explosive spikes B, 2 HrSwc, 2 smart links (turret/F & B RLs), FP Armor: F45, B30, R35, L35, T20, U9, Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 65 mph, Base MPG: 35, 6,595 lbs, $36,715.
The DKI Terminator is a special-order design intended to kill targets
at long range. In the hands of a capable duellist, this vehicle is an extremely
difficult target.
Terminator: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, IR pulse laser F, 2 WGMs F, 2 RGMs in universal turret, 2 2-space rocket magazines w/ RGMs, hi-res computer, radar detector w/ link to radar jammer, HD shocks, HD brakes, anti-lock braking system, tinted/no-paint windows, safety/ejection seat, FPRP Armor: F70, B60, R50, L50, T30, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 5 (6 at 60 mph +), Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $98,030.
This design was the last vehicle produced by Matt Schuler before his
company stopped designing and building cars in order to concentrate on
computer software and hardware architecture. Despite its refined appearance,
there's nothing delicate about this killing machine,
Elf Dancer: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 plasticore tires, driver & gunner, 2 GGs w/ dual-weapon magazine F, FOJ w/ HT ammo B, 2 HrSwc, extra driver controls (gunner), radar, HD shocks, HD brakes, anti-lock braking system, overdrive, spoiler & airdam, velvet glove interior, 2 10-pt FP wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt FP wheelguards B, Sloped FP Armor: F60, B60, R40, L40 ,T14, U20. Acceleration: 5 (2.5 w/ OD), HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph (110 mph w/ OD), 6,525 lbs, $77,646.
If you're the kind of no-nonsense duellist who likes to leave nothing
but mangled wrecks in his wake, The DKI Ravager is the car for you. This
efficient design has respectable firepower, and a weapons layout that keeps
enemy vehicles away from the vulnerable sides and rear. The tires are well-protected,
making them less-than-desireable targets.
Ravager: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, AC w/ extra magazine F, FOJ (B), 2 MFRPs w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), 2 linked pairs ice discharger/oil discharger (1 R, 1 L) linked to bumper triggers, Swc, blow-through concealment for MFRPs, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R50, L50, T9, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $24,493.
The Reaver is a Division-30 vehicle designed to operate in conjunction
with the Ravager. It replaces the dischargers and flaming-oil jet with
three spikedroppers loaded with explosive spikes. This spells certain death
for all kinds of tires (including solids).
Reaver: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, AC w/ extra magazine F, 3 linked SDs w/ 1 extra magazine each (all spikes are explosive); 1 R, 1 L, 1 B, HrSwc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R50, L50, T10, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $27,162.
This hard-hitting Division-50 vehicle from DKI/New Omaha is designed
for those duellists who want powerful, accurate weaponry without sacrificing
armor protection. The Chainsaw derives its name from the sound the HVMG
makes while it cuts through the armor of its targets.
Chainsaw: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, HVMG w/ 1 extra magazine F, FOJ (B), cyberlink, HD shocks, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on HVMG & extra magazine, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F85, B65, R60, L60, T5, U5. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $49,835.
The Tire Popper is designed to put other vehicles out of action by
attacking their tires. It is less effective against vehicles with protected
tires and/or heavy armor.
Tire Popper: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 GLs w/ impact-fuzed grenades F, turreted VMG, SS w/ hot smoke U, hi-res computer, weapon link (SS/GLs), 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on linked GLs, Sloped Armor: F50, B40, R45, L45, T12, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $24,994.
In Greek myth, Aegis was the shield carried by Zeus. This kind of defensive
strength is embodied in the DKI Aegis. It carries a lethal dropped-weapons
package and heavy composite armor. The tires are also fully protected.
If possible, attack this car from the front.
Aegis: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 SBPR radial tires, driver, Spear 1000 MD w/ 3 extra magazines U (all mines are proximity-fuzed TDX), 2 linked SDs w/ explosive spikes (1 R, 1 L), 2 extra magazines (explosive spikes), blow-through concealment for SDs, weapon link (MD/SDs), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Composite Armor: F0/50, B20/60, R0/55, L0/55, T0/20, L0/20. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,600 lbs, $39,528.
The primary attributes of this deadly fighting machine are pinpoint
accuracy and very heavy armor. The Warrior's defensive systems make it
immune to laser-guided weaponry, which is commonplace in the higher divisions.
Warrior: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 150 CI gas engine w/ VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 ACs w/ HD ammo linked F, SS w/ hot smoke U, cyberlink, 5 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T) linked to SS, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on gas tank, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Composite Armor: F15/50, B0/50, R0/50, L0/50, T0/9, U0/9. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 65 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $59,143.
This Division-40 nightmare is a pure expression of the principle of
"death on wheels". The Rolling Death is well-armored (with protected tires)
and its weapons systems are such that a duellist doesn't even have to sideswipe
or shoot at his enemies in order to damage them.
Rolling Death: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, AC (F), FCE (B), 2 FOJs (1 R, 1 L) w/ ATAD sensor packages, Swc, ATAD central logic unit, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped FP Armor:F60, B50, R55, L55, T13, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $39,380.
The DKI Rocket Lord is aptly named, for it has awesome firepower and
the equipment to exploit it. Do not approach this vehicle under any circumstances.
Rocket Lord: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 4 laser-guided VFRPs w/ IrTl & LgL for each (1 F, 1 B, 1 R, 1 L), HrSwc, 3 computer gunners w/ 2 software packages each, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F60, B60, R60, L60, T10, U10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $99,020.
The Bull Moose is a further improvement of the basic Moose design.
It has heavier armor than the 2045 version, the tires are fully-protected
and the car is immune to laser-guided weaponry.
Bull Moose: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 radial solid tires, driver, 2 VMGs w/ rotary magazines linked F (ammo is 1/2 HD & 1/2 explosive), SS w/ hot smoke U, HrSwc, 9 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T, all 4 wheelguards) linked to SS, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on linked VMGs, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F65, B60, R50, L50, T15, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,420 lbs, $37,822.
The powerful weaponry on this moderately-armored version of the standard
Bull Moose makes it even more dangerous. Tailgating this vehicle is not
Bull Moose II: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 ACs linked F, VFRP w/ blow-through concealment B, Swc (ACs), bumper trigger (VFRP), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F40, B30, R35, L35, T15, U13. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $29,846.
The Mist Master is a lightly-armed Division-30 car that uses hot smoke
to cloud up an arena and block line-of-sight for opposing vehicles. It
uses radar to pierce the smoke and target opposing vehicles with its turreted
VMG. The Mist Master is not often seen on the road because of its light
armor. It is handicapped against any vehicle equipped with a radar jammer.
Mist Master: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, turreted VMG w/ extra magazine (all ammo is HD), 2 linked HDSS w 1 extra magazine each (1 R, 1 L; all ammo is hot smoke), HrSwc, radar, 10 pts FPCA on driver, Sloped Armor: F35, B35, R30, L30, T11, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $26,222.
This vehicle was Michael Garrity's entry in the 2045 NOVA Duelling
Championship. It is an agile vehicle with good acceleration, heavy armor
and devastating firepower.
Massacre: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 HVMGs w/ HD ammo linked F, SS w/ hot smoke U, HrSwc, 5 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T) linked to SS, safety seat, HD shocks, overdrive, 1 tank nitrous oxide, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on gas tank, Sloped Armor: F65, B55, R60, L60, T10, U14. Acceleration: 10 (5 w/ overdrive), HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph (90 mph w/ overdrive), Base MPG: 45, 6,600 lbs, $54,608.
Option: Remove 2 points armor and add rotary magazines to HVMGs. Make ammo load 1/2 explosive & 1/2 HD. +$956, no weight change.
The DKI Termite can chew through vehicular armor faster than its namesake
can chew through wood. Its main weakness is unprotected tires. This makes
them prime targets in duels where tire shots are allowed.
Termite: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 3 HMGs w/ 10 shots HD ammo linked F, 2 HMGs w/ 10 shots HD ammo in 2-space turret, hi-res computer, smart link (turret/front HMGs), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on front HMGs, Sloped Armor: F50, B40, R45, L45, T30, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $39,840.
The Needler is one of the few unlimited-class duelling vehicles to
be designed in recent years. It has heavy firepower, an extensive array
of dropped weapons and fully-protected tires. This vehicle's signature-suppression
systems make it virtually invisible to radar.
Needler: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy/active suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 FPSBR solid tires, driver, 2 GGs linked F, linked OJ & ID corner-mounted R/L, 2 linked SDs w/ explosive spikes (1 R, 1 L), 2 extra magazines (explosive spikes), HrSwc, radar, tinted/no-paint windows. stealthkote, FPRP spoiler & airdam, safety/ejection seat, 4 10-pt FPRP wheel hubs, 4 10-pt FPRP wheelguards, Sloped FPRP Armor: F60, B60, R50, L50, T17, U12. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4 (5 at 60 mph+), Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $106,462.
The Incinerator is another one of DKI/New Omaha's fire-based designs.
This vehicle's incendiary weapons combination makes it perfect for those
"hot-headed" duellists who don't want to just shoot their enemies. An Incinerator
is safer than most other vehicles with flame-based weaponry because of
its extensive use of fireproof components.
Incinerator: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, 2 RLs w/ incendiary ammo linked F, FCE (B), HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on RLs, 10 pts FPCA on FCE, 2 10-pt FP wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt FP wheelguards B, Sloped FP Armor: F55, B50, R55, L55, T11, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $32,178.
Like its namesake animal, the DKI Bighorn hits its opponents very hard.
Duellists who shoot at this vehicle will find it difficult to hit because
of all the smoke it is generating.
Bighorn: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 200 CI gas engine w/ VP turbocharger, supercharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 SBPR tires, driver, SS w/ 1 extra magazine U (all ammo is hot smoke), 2 tanks nitrous oxide, weapon link (nitrous oxide/SS), roll cage, safety seat, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on gas tank, 4 fake wheel hubs, 4 fake wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F100 (ram plate), B46, R52, L52, T10, U10. Acceleration: 15, HC: 3, Top Speed: 92.5 mph, Base MPG: 35, 6,592 lbs, $29,606.
The L-3 is designed as a mobile, high-energy weapons platform. It is
well-armored and it has protected tires. The L-3's main weaknesses are
a lack of dropped weapons and its vulnerability to smokescreens.
L-3: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 3 pulse lasers linked F, laser battery, Swc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F70, B60, R50, L50, T10, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $59,922.
Like its namesake, the Ice Axe can chop big pieces out of its targets.
This vehicle's vulnerable rear quarter is defended by a minedropper loaded
with proximity-fuzed mines. Accordingly, any attacks on an Ice Axe should
be directed at the sides.
Ice Axe: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, ice-racing suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 2 light skates F, 2 PR ice tires B, driver, AC w/ extra magazine F, MD w/ extra magazine U (all mines are proximity-fuzed), HrSwc, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on AC & extra magazine, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R45, L45, T9, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $29,648.
The Winter Warrior is designed to fight and survive in the worst kinds
of weather. This design was the winning car at the 2046 Great Lakes Invitational,
which was held on the frozen surface of Lake Michigan in the middle of
a raging blizzard.
Winter Warrior: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, ice-racing suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 2 light skates F, 2 PR ice tires B, driver & gunner, HVMG w/ extra magazine F, GL w/ impact-fuzed grenades B, MD w/ proximity-fuzed mines U, 2 HrSwc, radar, HD shocks, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F65, B55, R60 L60, T11, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $54,342.
The 2046 Challenger is a Division-20 update of the original design
from Tate Manufacturing. It trades one of the three original rocket launchers
for a dual-weapon magazine, a single-weapon computer and fully-protected
2046 Challenger: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 RLs linked F, dual-weapon magazine (AP rockets), SD w/ extra magazine B (all spikes are explosive), HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on RLs & extra magazine, 10 pts FPCA on SD & extra magazine, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F12, B10, R9, L9 (all metal), T7, U8 (all plastic). Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,705.
The 2046 Challenger II trades some tire protection for increased armor
and increased ammunition flexibility for the linked RLs.
2046 Challenger II: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 RLs w/ rotary magazines linked F (5 shots incendiary & 5 shots explosive in each), dual-weapon magazine w/ 2 magazine switches (all rockets are AP), FOJ (B), Swc, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on linked RLs & rotary magazine, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Composite Armor: F12/5, B10/5, R9/5, L9/5, T0/7, U0/8. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $18,620.
The Ramrod III is the third car in the Ramrod series produced by DKI/New
Omaha. Unlike the other cars in the series, the Ramrod III carries dropped
weapons (of the driver's choice).
Ramrod III: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension,
blueprinted 200 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers & 5-gallon duelling
tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 4-space dropped-weapons compartment, roll
cage, safety seat, HD shocks, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine,
FP insulator on gas tank, 10 pts FPCA on dropped-weapons compartment, Sloped
Armor: F80 (ram plate), B52, R47, L47, T12, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4,
Top Speed: 80 mph, Base MPG: 35, 6,600 lbs, $27,121.
Dropped-weapons capacity: 4 spaces, 400 lbs, $2,879.
The Ramrod IV represents a change in the design philosophy of the Ramrod
series. It is specifically designed as an armed duelling car. However,
it still retains most of the optimized ramming equipment from the other
three cars in the series.
Ramrod IV: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 RLs linked F, 2 corner-mounted FOJs (1 R, 1 L) linked to RLs, Swc, HD shocks, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, Sloped Armor: F80 (ram plate), B40, R45, L45, T12, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $23,466,
The vehicles in this series were designed by DKI for the purpose of
deploying various types of dropped weapons. All of them have the common
features of heavy armor and well-protected tires. Any two of them can make
vast stretches of road or arena impassable. Accordingly, no duellist should
ever let one get in front of him. If possible, maneuver so as to be able
to shoot at the front armor.
TEC-1: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 solid tires, driver, MD w/ 2 extra magazines B (all mines have proximity fuzes), 2 SDs (1 R, 1 L) w/ 2 extra magazines each (all spikes are explosive), 2 weapon links (SDs/MD), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F40, B80, R65, L65, T10, U13. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $29,866.
TEC-2: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, turreted HMG w/ explosive ammo, MD w/ extra magazine U (all mines are proximity-fuzed), HDOJ (B) linked to MD, 2 corner-mounted SDs (linked to HDOJ) w/ 1 extra magazine each (all spikes are explosive), SS w/ hot smoke U, Swc, radar, 9 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T, all four wheelguards) linked to SS, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F40, B80, R60, L60, T24, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $38,630.
TEC-3: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, GL w/ impact-fuzed grenades B, MD w/ extra magazine U (all mines are proximity-fuzed), 2 SDs w/ explosive spikes (1 R, 1 L) linked to MD, OJ & ID corner-mounted B (linked to MD), dual-weapon magazine (explosive spikes), HrSwc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50, B70, R65, L65, T10, U15. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $36,210.
TEC-4: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, HDID (B), SD w/ 1 extra magazine R (all spikes are explosive) linked to HDID, MD w/ 1 extra magazine U (all mines are proximity-fuzed) linked to HDID, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F40, B80, R55, L55, T10, U14. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $21,288.
Those duellists who are unlucky enough to face this unpleasant Division-30
design have two unpleasant choices; either see their armor shot through
or catch fire and burn to death. On a more positive note, the Fire Ant
is only moderately armored. The tires are unprotected, making them good
Fire Ant: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 6 LMGs w/ incendiary ammo linked F, 2 LMGs w/ incendiary ammo in 2-space turret T, HrSwc, smart link (turret/front LMGs), 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, Sloped Armor: F50, B45, R40, L40, T21, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $27,972.
The Gusher is the first member of a trio of area-denial combat vehicles
produced by DKI/New Omaha. It is named for the vast quantities of oil which
spray from its dropped-weapon ports. Of the three vehicles, the Gusher
is the most heavily armored.
Gusher: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 turreted MGs, 2 linked OJs w/ 2 extra magazines each (1 R, 1 B), HrSwc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R45, L45, T34, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $22,648.
The Minelayer is the second member of DKI's area-denial trio. It features
a turreted VMG and a pair of minedroppers with 2 extra magazines each.
Minelayer: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, turreted VMG, 2 linked MDs w/ proximity-fuzed mines (1 R, 1 B), 4 extra magazines (all mines are proximity-fuzed), HrSwc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F45, B35, R40, L40, T34, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $29,638.
The Caltrop is designed to work in partnership with the Minelayer.
It has heavier armor and a more-powerful weapon. Never approach this vehicle
from the rear. The Caltrop's large supply of explosive spikes can make
short work of even the best tires.
Caltrop: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, laser (F), 2 linked SDs w/ explosive spikes (1 R, 1 B), 6 extra magazines (all spikes are explosive), HrSwc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R45, L45, T14, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $28,002.
Centuries ago, the Roman Empire used reliable troops to conquer the
known world. Modern-day duellists can use the reliable Legionary (available
from DKI/New Omaha) to conquer the arena. The Legionary strikes a good
balance between defensive ability and offensive firepower.
Legionary: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, BC w/ 1 extra magazine F (all ammo is HESH), FOJ (B), Swc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on BC & extra magazine, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F60, B55, R40, L40, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $23,755.
The Penetrator is a tough Division-80 design whose sophisticated defensive
countermeasures enable its driver to ignore missiles and attacks from radar-guided
or laser-guided weaponry.
Penetrator: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy/active suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, AC w/ 1 extra magazine F, universally-turreted LMG w/ proximity-fuzed explosive ammo, SS w/ 1 extra magazine U (all ammo is hot smoke), HrSwc, computer gunner w/ 2 software packages (in turret), radar detector w/ link to radar jammer, 9 laser-reactive webs linked to SS (F, B, R, L, T, all 4 wheelguards), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on AC & extra magazine, 4 10-pt FPRP wheel hubs, 4 10-pt FPRP wheelguards, Sloped FPRP Armor: F60, B50, R55, L55, T25, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $79,440.
In the Middle Ages, knights in shining armor ruled the battlefield.
Now, modern-day warriors can do the same by driving the Knight, the latest
design masterpiece from DKI. This vehicle is a showpiece of automotive
engineering, with a versatile weapons system and an armor package that
makes it almost invulnerable. Be the master of all you survey. Strike fear
into the hearts of your enemies. Feel the power. Drive the Knight!
Knight: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 RLs linked F, SD w/ magazine switch B (all spikes are explosive), 1 extra magazine (incendiary spikes), HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 10 pts FPCA on linked RLs, 10 pts FPCA on SD & extra magazine, Sloped Composite Armor: F12/15, B10/12, R9/10, L9/10, T0/7, U0/7. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,501.
The Bug Killer is especially designed for the task of hunting down
and killing pedestrians. Its weaponry and agility give new meaning to the
expression "churn and burn".
Bug Killer: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 PR radial tires, driver, turreted GL w/ impact-fuzed grenades, 2 MGs w/ anti-personnel ammo linked F, 2 LMGs w/ anti-personnel ammo (1 R, 1 L), FOJ (B), targeting computer, radar, ATAD central logic unit, 2 ATAD sensor packages (LMGs), bumper spikes (F & B), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 4 10-pt scythecaps, Sloped Armor: F40, B40, R35, L35, T25, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $39,865.
The Zap Gun is another Division-100 design from DKI. The ZG's armament
enables the driver to concentrate more firepower than is possible with
any other non-military weapons system. Heavy armor and the extensive use
of component armor also make the Zap Gun a tough nut to crack.
Zap Gun: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 200 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, HXPL (F), laser battery, cyberlink, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on gas tank, 10 pts FPCA on HXPL, 2 10-pt FPRP wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt FPRP wheelguards B, Sloped FPRP Armor: F70, B60, R55, L55, T10, U10. Acceleration: 15, HC: 4, Top Speed: 85 mph, Base MPG: 35, 6,555 lbs, $99,730.
The armored shell and lethal sting of the DKI Scorpion makes it an
enemy to be feared. When fighting this vehicle, aim for the front. The
weapons have trouble bearing on that arc.
Scorpion: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 6 linked LMGs (3 R, 3 L), sponson-mounted GL w/ impact-fuzed grenades B, targeting computer, bumper spikes (F), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F45, B45, R40, L40, T12, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $24,809.
This design is a revised version of the vehicle that Michael Garrity
used in 2036 when he accidentally created the "Feign Death" tactic during
a duel at the Dunbarton Slalom arena.
Revenant: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, turreted RR w/ HESH ammo, 3 MFRPs w/ AP rockets linked F, Swc (to turret), bumper trigger (MFRPs), 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, Sloped Armor: F60 (ram plate), B40, R35, L35, T21, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,952.
The Pointman is a simple, no-nonsense vehicle intended for those duellists
who specialize in making frontal assaults. Its only real weakness is an
undefended rear. In the hands of an experienced duellist, the Pointman's
powerful weaponry makes getting into that rear arc difficult at best.
Pointman: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, BC w/ HESH ammo F, 2 VFRPs w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), hi-res computer, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F70, B50, R60, L60, T10, U14. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $39,008.
The SuperFighter is a new interpretation of the BlastFighter design.
DKI engineers took the basic design and expanded it to fill a luxury-sized
chassis. Then, they increased the armor so that both the right & left
sides of the vehicle are protected by nearly-impenetrable composite armor.
The SuperFighter's vulnerable rear is protected by a flaming oil jet. Laser-reactive
webs attached to an SS loaded with hot smoke make this vehicle invulnerable
to laser-guided weapons.
SuperFighter: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, BC w/ extra magazine F (all ammo is HESH), FOJ w/ 1 extra magazine B, SS w/ hot smoke U, 2 pairs linked ice/oil dischargers w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), HrSwc, radar detector linked to radar jammer, 9 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T, all 4 wheelguards) linked to SS, tinted/no-paint windows, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 10 pts FPCA on BC & extra magazine, 4 fake wheel hubs, 4 fake wheelguards, Sloped Composite Armor (LR metal/FP plastic): F18/50, B0/60, R10/24, L10/24, T0/10, U0/11. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,598 lbs, $54,541.
The SuperFighter II is designed for general-purpose use on the road
and in the arena. It has a powerful main gun and an extensive array of
dropped weaponry. On the defensive side, the SuperFighter II has fully-protected
tires and a composite armor package that makes it invulnerable to frontal
attack. In combat, try for a shot against the left side while avoiding
the front arc and the dropped weapons.
SuperFighter II: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 radial solid tires, driver, BC w/ extra magazine F (all ammo is HESH), MD w/ extra magazine U (all mines have proximity fuzes), SD w/ extra magazine R (all spikes are explosive) linked to MD, OJ (B) linked to SD, HrSwc, weapon timer, overdrive, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Composite Armor: F18/50, B0/60, R0/55, L0/55, T0/9, U0/10. Acceleration: 10 (5 w/OD), HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph (90 mph w/ OD), Base MPG: 45, 6,600 lbs, $48,298.
This vehicle is aptly named, for it can reach out to enemy duellists
in all directions and sweep them into the loving arms of its three VMGs.
Octopus: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR radial tires, driver, turreted VMG, 2 sponson-mounted VMGs (1 R, 1 L), FOJ (B), hi-res computer, 2 smart links (sponsons to turret), 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50, B50, R45, L45, T28, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $39,991.
World Champion Duellist Mike Montgomery used the original Navigator
to win the 2036 AADA World Duelling Championship. As dangerous as that
vehicle was, this version is worse. The 2046 Navigator has more than 60%
more armor than the original. The tires are also better-protected.
2046 Navigator: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 3 RLs linked F, FOJ (B), Swc, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F110, B70, R60, L60, T12, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $29,859.
The Demolisher is designed for those duellists who like to cause huge,
fiery explosions. The best way to deal with this vehicle is to attack from
the side.
Demolisher: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 PR radial tires, driver, BC (F), FT w/ HT ammo B, HDFOJ (B) linked to FT, targeting computer, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50, B50, R40, L40, T14, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 4, Top Speed: 92.5 mph, 6,595 lbs, $23,288.
Inspired by the weapon used by Roman gladiators, the Trident is designed
to kill other cars indirectly by shredding their tires with multiple grenade
explosions. This vehicle is strictly a team player.
Trident: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 3 GLs w/ impact-fuzed grenades linked F, FCE (B), HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F60, B50, R50, L50, T12, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $22,976.
The Gunfighter's superior acceleration and high top speed enables its
driver to run circles around his targets (literally) and blast them to
Gunfighter: Streamlined luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 400 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger, supercharger & 15-gallon duelling tank, 4 SBPR radial tires, driver, AC w extra magazine F, Swc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F70, B65, R60, L60, T14, U12. Acceleration: 25, HC: 4, Top Speed: 167.5 mph, Base MPG: 14, 6,595 lbs, $58,852.
In many sporting events, victory has gone to the side which lasted
the longest. If you want to be on the winning team, drive a Marathon. Thanks
to a large ammunition supply, this Division-25 vehicle from DKI/New Omaha
can keep firing long after everybody else in the arena has run out. The
Marathon's tires are protected by wheelguards and wheel hubs, and its armor
is adequate for most engagements.
Marathon: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 solid tires, driver, turreted VMG w/ 1 extra magazine, OJ w/ 1 extra magazine R, ID w/ 1 extra magazine B, HrSwc, weapon link (OJ/ID), 10 pts CA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50, B50, R40, L40, T28, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 92.5 mph, 6,600 lbs, $23,346.
As with the Penetrator, the Retaliator has defensive systems that make
it very difficult to attack. When in combat, this vehicle's heavy armor
and fully-protected tires will enable it to survive long enough to inflict
significant damage to the attackers.
Retaliator: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 radial solid tires, driver, HVMG w/ HD ammo F, 1 extra magazine (explosive ammo), FCGS w/ 2 extra magazines B, SS w/ hot smoke U, HrSwc, radar detector w/ link to radar jammer, 9 laser-reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T, all 4 wheelguards) linked to SS, magazine switch, HD shocks, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on gas tank, 4 10-pt wheel hubs, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F70, B60, R55, L55, T15, U10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,600 lbs, $53,624.
The incendiary properties of the Flame Broiler will satisfy even the
most hot-headed duellists. Unles one has a fire extinguisher or fireproof
armor, this vehicle should be left alone.
Flame Broiler: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 FP solid tires, driver & gunner, 2 MGs w/ incendiary ammo linked F, turreted FT w/ extra magazine, HDFOJ (B), 2 Swc, 2 10-pt FP wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt FP wheelguards B, Sloped FP Armor: F45, B40, R35, L35, T18, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 92.5 mph, 6,595 lbs, $28,102.
Dynamo is a capable, well-armored Division-100 vehicle designed to
operate in conjunction with the Transit Tractor-Trailer rig. This vehicle's
ECM system and radarproof armor make it a difficult target.
Dynamo: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, sport power plant w/ upgrades, 4 FPPR radial tires, driver, BC w/ HESH ammo F, turreted pulse laser w/ laser battery, FOJ (B), 6 flechette dischargers, hi-res computer, radar detector linked to radar jammer, computer gunner w/ 2 software packages, anti-theft system, HD shocks, HD brakes, anti-lock braking system, overdrive, tinted/no-paint windows, safety seat, 2 10-pt FPRP wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt FPRP wheelguards B, Sloped FPRP Armor: F60, B50, R55, L55, T28, U10. Acceleration: 10 (5 w/ OD), HC: 4, Top Speed: 122.5 mph (142.5 mph w/ OD), 6,595 lbs, $95,929.
The DKI Mauler is named for the damage it can inflict on an enemy vehicle
(most notably to its tires). Ramming attacks against the sides of this
vehicle are not recommended due to the presence of linked ice & oil
dischargers. Weapon attacks against the Mauler should be directed against
its unprotected tires.
Mauler: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, ATG w/ HEAT ammo F, 1 extra magazine (HESH ammo), 3 linked SDs w/ 1 extra magzine each (1 R, 1 L, 1 B; all spikes are explosive), 2 pairs linked dischargers (ice/oil) w/ bumper triggers (1 R, 1 L), Swc, Sloped Armor: F50, B45, R50, L50, T12, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $19,868.
The Belgian is designed as a medium-duty cargo hauler. A Belgian's
driver can protect the trailer he is hauling, as this vehicle is a capable
fighting machine in its own right.
Belgian: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super power plant w/ upgrades, 4 solid tires, driver, universally-turreted pulse laser, laser battery, 2 linked FOJs (1 R, 1 L), Swc, radar, LD radio, heavy hitch, HD transmission, 2 5-pt wheel hubs F, 2 5-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F48, B30, R35, L35, T30, U10. Acceleration: 2.5/5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 112.5 mph (52.5 mph w/ full-loaded trailer), 6,600 lbs, $36,336.
The Black Adder is another well-armored war machine from DKI/New Omaha.
It has highly-accurate weaponry and protected tires. The 2-man crew insures
that there is no safe way to approach this vehicle. In combat, baffle the
laser with hot smoke and stay out of the front arc.
Black Adder: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 solid tires, driver & gunner, 2 VMGs linked F, 2 laser-guided MMLs w/ IrTl & Lgl in 2-space turret, 2 extra magazines w/ magazine switches (all ammo is laser-guided incendiary), 2 Swc, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R50, L50, T29, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $44,128.
This vehicle's designation is short for "Minimum Duelling Vehicle-Luxury".
It is intended to represent the mimimum amount of armor & weaponry
necessary to be effective in Division-20 duelling. The MDV-L is designed
to make frontal attacks, as that style of combat is the most common in
MDV-L: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 VMGs linked F, OJ (B), Swc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F70, B40, R45, L45, T9, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $19,368.
The Fumigator is a moderately-armored Division-30 vehicle intended
to confound enemy duellists by skunking their lasers and laser-guided weaponry
with a hot-loaded SS. This vehicle is not without offensive weaponry, having
three incendiary-loaded RLs mounted in the front. This vehicle's main fault
is that the RLs aren't very accurate.
Fumigator: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FP solid tires, driver, 3 RLs w/ incendiary ammo linked F, SS w/ 1 extra magazine B (all ammo is hot smoke), HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, Sloped FP Armor: F55, B45, R50, L50, T10, U14. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $28,406.
When a Matchstick enters the arena, the other duellists will say "Ho
hum, another @$%#*ing ram car". What they don't know will kill them, as
the Matchstick's weaponry will add insult to injury by setting fire to
its victims by using bumper-triggered incendiary heavy rockets. Even though
the Matchstick's impressive firepower is limited, it still has enough armor
to make effective use of it.
Matchstick: Luxury , x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 3-space rocket magazines w/ incendiary HRs linked F, FOJ (B), Swc, bumper trigger (to HRs), blow-through concealment (HRs), 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on power plant, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F50 (ram plate), B40, R35, L35, T10, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,207.
In the arena, the Royal Dragon's noxious breath and lethal bite make
it an enemy to be feared by vehicles and pedestrians alike. This vehicle's
thick armor enables it to endure heavy combat.
Royal Dragon: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 lasers linked F, 2 corner-mounted SSs w/ 1 extra magazine each (all ammo is tear gas), 2 MGs w/ anti-personnel ammo (1 R, 1 L), HrSwc, ATAD central logic unit, 2 ATAD sensor packages (MGs), bumper spikes (F & B), 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F60, B50, R55, L55, T10, U11. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $55,122.
This vehicle is well-known for its successful combination of moderate
armor and heavy firepower. In sideswipes, the Bang has been known to instantly
destroy is opponent. When fighting a Bang, avoid the sides if at all possible.
Some drivers are known to switch the position of the heavy rockets.
Bang: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 3 RLs linked F, 5 laser-guided HRs linked L, targeting laser w/ Lgl (L), targeting computer, 10 pts CA on driver, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Armor: F70, B35, R35, L35, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 2, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $18,950.
The DKI Avalanche is a relentless, almost unstoppable ram car. Its
heavy ram plate, blazing acceleration and high top speed mean that it can
plow through almost anything it encounters. The Avalanche is sometimes
used as a barricade-crasher.
Avalanche: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 300 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger, supercharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 1 tank nitrous oxide, 300-lb rocket booster, roll cage, safety seat, HD shocks, anti-lock braking system, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, FP insulator on fuel tank, Armor: F70 (ram plate), B42, R40, L40, T10, U10. Acceleration: 25 (35 w/ nitrous oxide), HC: 4, Top Speed: 137.5 mph (205 mph w/ nitrous oxide), Base MPG: 21, 6,600 lbs, $39,775.
The Sting-X is a moderately-armored, short-run cargo hauler and passenger
transport. It has become notorious for the ease with which it can make
short work of even the thickest armor (metal or otherwise). Do not attack
this vehicle from the front. Try for side or tire shots.
Sting-X: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant
w/ SCs, 4 PR tires, driver, HXL (F), Armor: F50, B33, R33, L33, T10, U10.
Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,240 lbs, $29,980.
Cargo Capacity: 7 spaces, 360 lbs.
This vehicle is built for the Nebraska State Patrol for use as an interceptor.
The VSI is decently-armored and has an accurate weapon. The integral ECM
and signature-suppression systems make it a difficult target. Anyone who
attacks one of these vehicles should be prepared to deal with a large number
of angry State Troopers. Don't say you weren't warned.
VS Interceptor: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, sport power plant w/PC & SC, 4 FP solid tires, driver, turreted GG w/extra magazine, SD w/explosive spikes B, 3 flechette dischargers (1 R, 1 L, 1 B), vehicular computer, radar, infrared sighting system, radar detector linked to radar jammer, weapon link (GG/SD), LD radio, anti-theft system, tinted/no-paint windows, fire extinguisher, tool kit, spare tire, FPRP spoiler & airdam, HD shocks, HD brakes, anti-lock braking system, overdrive, 4 10-pt FPRP wheelguards, Sloped FPRP Armor: F40, B30, R30, L30, T30, U20. Acceleration: 10 (5 w/ OD), HC: 2, Top Speed: 135 mph (155 mph w/ OD), 6,600 lbs, $76,690.
Amex Combat Autoworks designed the Bowman for duellists who like to
fight while in the midst of their enemies. This vehicle is decently-armored
and it has a weapons layout that provides all-around coverage. The safest
way to engage the Bowman is to attack the tires. The wheelguards aren't
as thick as they could be.
Bowman: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 2 RLs linked F, 2 RLs linked B, 2 MGs (1 R, 1 L), fire extinguisher, 5 pts CA on driver, 4 5-pt wheelguards, Armor: F40, B40, R35, L35, T15, U15. Acceleration: 5, HC: 2, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,650.
This basic vehicle from Amex was used by the Recoilless Ranger as the
basis for several successful duelling cars. The Cannon Ranger is armed
with a front-mounted blast cannon with an extra magazine. Its cargo capacity
can be used to carry more armor or a supply of dropped weapons. From the
front, the Cannon Ranger is very tough to kill. The moderate side armor
is compensated for by component armor on the driver and the power plant.
Cannon Ranger: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power
plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, BC w/ extra magazine F, 10 pts CA on
driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, spoiler & airdam, 4 5-pt wheel hubs,
4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F70, B30, R30, L30, T10, U10. Acceleration:
5, HC: 2 (3 at 60 mph+), Top Speed: 90 mph (fully-loaded), 6,245 lbs, $19,560.
Cargo Capacity: 3 spaces, 355 lbs.
Before William T. Catt was elected Mayor of New Omaha, he duelled under
the name "Bill the Cat". In his successful career, he used a number of
vehicles, all of which were named after him. The following three designs
are copies of vehicles which he still owns.
Mach-5: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 4 MGs w/ HD ammo linked F, 2 MMLs (1 R, 1 L), RL w/ extra magazine B, targeting computer, fire extinguisher, 10 pts CA on driver, Armor: F49, B30, R30,L30, T15, U15. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $23,480.
Mach-6: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 6 MGs w/ HD ammo linked F, SD w/ explosive spikes B, Swc, weapon link (MGs/SD), fire extinguisher, 10 pts CA on driver, 8 pts CA on SD, 4 8-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F42, B26, R31, L31, T12, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 2, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,599 lbs, $24,348.
Mach-7: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 3 HMGs linked F, SD w/ explosive spikes B, Swc, weapon link (HMGs/SD), fire extinguisher, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, 10 pts CA on linked HMGs, 10 pts CA on SD, 4 10-pt wheelguards, Sloped Armor: F54, B35, R35, L35, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 2, Top Speed: 100 mph, 6,595 lbs, $21,288.
The Pole Axe is a well-armored design that is intended fight and survive
for extended periods of time in environments where missiles are common.
The rotary magazines on the ATGs give the driver tactical flexibility,
and the turreted HMG with proximity-fuzed explosive ammo makes this vehicle
invulnerable to missile attack.
Pole Axe: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, blueprinted 150 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers, VP turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 ATGs w/ rotary magazines linked F (4 shots HE/3 shots HEAT/3 shots APFSDS in each), turreted HMG w/ proximity-fuzed explosive ammo, FOJ (B), hi-res computer,10 pts FPCA on driver, 10 pts FPCA on engine, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F60, B45, R50, L50, T31, U10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 4, Top Speed: 70 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $47,287.
When Amex introduced this design in 2043, it was called the Road Avenger.
Subsequent use by the Recoilless Ranger caused Amex to name it after him.
The Recoilless Ranger often sees use in higher divisions because its cargo
capacity allows duellists to carry more armor or weapons.
Recoilless Ranger: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large
power plant w/ SCs, 4 SBPR tires, driver, 2 RRs linked F, turreted HMG,
targeting computer, fire extinguisher, 10 pts CA on driver, Sloped Armor:
F50, B40, R30, L30, T20, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 95 mph
(90 mph fully-loaded), 6,190 lbs, $19,610.
Cargo Capacity: 3 spaces, 410 lbs.
During the war with the Japanese Protectorate, the Sparkler made its
presence known on roads in the midwestern U.S. Since the end of the war,
it has become popular with off-road duellists because of its decent armor,
high speed and good handling.
Sparkler: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, O/R suspension, large power plant w/ upgrades, 4 OR solid tires, driver, pulse TwL (F), pulse ML (B), targeting computer, laser battery, IR sighting system, fire extinguisher, RP spoiler, 10 pts CA on driver, 10 pts CA on power plant, Sloped RP Armor: F45, B35, R35, L35, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3 (4 at 60 mph+), Top Speed: 102.5 mph, 6,560 lbs, $49,080.
The Speed Kills (from Radius Motors) is aptly named because one way
or another, speed kills! As you can guess, this design is an extraordinary
ram car. The Speed Kills is fast, agile and hard to hit. It also has a
Sunday Punch that will knock you into next year.
Speed Kills: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 400 CI gas engine w/ tubular headers & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 3 RLs linked F, Swc, bumper trigger F, spoiler & airdam, Sloped Armor: F80 (ram plate), B38, R36, L36, T1, U2. Acceleration: 15, HC: 4 (5 at 60 mph), Top Speed: 132.5 mph, Base MPG: 15, 6,600 lbs, $29,861.
The Gloucester Supreme was specifically designed for the second running
of the 2046 NOVA Duelling Championship. It is full of suprises, but lacks
heavy firepower. This vehicle's specialty is dropping mines which are remotely-detonated
so as to cause the maximum hazard to enemy vehicles. The best advice when
facing a Gloucester Supreme is to stay away from the mines it drops.
Gloucester Supreme: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 FPPR snow tires, driver & passenger, RR w/ HESH ammo F, 3 linked Spear 1000 MDs w/ 1 extra magazine each (R, L, B), 2 IcD (1 R, 1 L), 2 OD (1 R, 1 L), HrSwc, weapon timer (SMDs), radio links for SMD loads, Armor: F70, B50, R45, L45, T4, U8. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,595 lbs, $28,035.
The DGAG Dominator has displayed its prowess throughout the Midwest,
winning championships, regional duels and many arena events. It is a good
all-around design whose only real weak points are thin top & bottom
armor and unprotected tires.
Dominator: Streamlined luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, 150 CI gas engine w/ turbocharger & 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR snow tires, driver, 3 RRs w/ HEAT ammo linked F, SD w extra magazine B (all spikes are explosive), HrSwc, Sloped Armor: F75, B70, R60, L60, T1, U5. Acceleration: 5/10, HC: 3, Top Speed: 62.5 mph, Base MPG: 45, 6,595 lbs, $27,937.
Atlantic Industries' best-known vehicle soldiers on as an inexpensive
road vehicle. The armor is passable, and the weaponry is reliable (the
extra magazines help a lot here). The commercial variants are popular light-duty
cargo vehicles. The Piranha's low price is a plus.
2046 Piranha: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 PR tires, driver & gunner, 2 turreted MGs, 1 extra magazine each, RL w/ extra magazine (F), FcD (B), fire extinguisher, 2 5-pt wheel hubs F, 2 5-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F40, B40, R40, L40, T40, U12. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $19,314.
Commercial Option: Remove RL magazine and MG magazines. Cargo capacity: 3 spaces, 195 lbs.
"RapidFax" Option: Remove large power plant, RL magazine and MG magazines. Add sport power plant w/ SCs. Add HD shocks, small mini-safe and streamline body.
Atlantic Industries created this variant of their classic luxury design
to serve as a taxi, courier and/or family hauler. Its armor is decent (but
not stellar), and the tires are fairly well-protected. The Piranha II's
firepower is light, but covers the four primary arcs. Acceleration, handling
and top speed are all average. A good vehicle for its price.
2046 Piranha II: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super
power plant, 4 PR tires, driver & gunner, RL (F), 3 MGs (1 R, 1 L,
1 B), 2 5-pt wheel hubs F, 2 5-pt wheelguards B, Armor: F40, B40, R35,
L35, T7, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 110 mph (102.5 mph fully-loaded),
6,000 lbs, $15,990.
Cargo Capacity: 4 spaces, 600 lbs.
"A" option: Remove 1 MG, 1 cargo space and add 1 HR (anywhere) and 1 SS (B). +25 lbs to cargo capacity, -$950 to cost.
"B" option: Remove RL, MGs & gunner. Add 2 lasers linked F. +2 spaces to cargo capacity, +$10,150 to cost.
"C" option: Remove super power plant. Add sport power plant w/ SCs & spoiler. Aceleration: 10, HC: 3 (4 at 60 mph+), +$6,500, no weight change.
"D" option: Remove super power plant. Add large power plant w/ SCs. Add 1 MG (B) and link both MGs (B). Acceleration: 5, Top Speed: 90 mph, +$1,550, no weight change.
The Zebra Killer was designed and built for the third in a series of
challenge matches between NOVA and S.A.S/Zebra. When S.A.S/Zebra went out
of business, the Zebra Killer was put into general production. It is an
effective, well-armored Division-25 fighting machine with plenty of ammunition.
Zebra Killer: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large power plant w/ SCs, 4 solid tires, driver, AC w/ 2 extra magazines, 2 linked FCEs (corner-mounted B), Swc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, Sloped Armor: F55, B45, R50, L50, T12, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed: 90 mph, 6,600 lbs, $24,804.
The Z-3 is a vicious new design from DKI that is equally at home on
the road and in the arena. This vehicle's good acceleration and high top
speed allow the driver to escape from situations he can't handle. The Z-3
is not without defensive armament, having a rear-mounted FCE. If you're
going to attack a Z-3, make sure your vehicle has 12+ points of metal armor
on the side facing it. Alternately, try for tire shots or use dropped weapons.
Z-3: Luxury w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, sport
power plant w/ upgrades, 4 solid tires, driver, 3 GGs linked F, FCE (B),
HrSwc, 10 pts FPCA on driver, 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards
B, Sloped Armor: F70, B65, R60, L60, T10, U10. Acceleration: 10, HC: 3,
Top Speed: 122.5 mph, 6,600 lbs, $65,250.
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