NOVA's Quarterly Newsletter

Vol. 9, No. 4, Winter 2045

"One Crazy Season"


Last issue was to say at the least very crazy. Believe me, we didn't mean all of it; it just came out that way.
 Now on to other things. Happy holidays to everyone. May it pick up our spirits with it's cheer.
    New Omaha is still recovering from it's recent thrashing by numerous villains. But the city still stands. Mayor Bill the Cat and Commissioner Smith are slowly directing the rebuilding efforts.
    This issue we'll try to clean up after last issue. Hopefully it won't be too painful.

NOVA Works

This issue is a mixed bag of dueling ideas. Spikes, mines, and lasers. Oh my!

Expanded Spikes: +$100 per shot. Uses the same detection rules for proximity mines. It cannot be mixed with other rounds. Expanded spikes are destroyed if successfully ran over. May be standard, explosive or incendiary.

Pyramid Spikes: CPS $50, WPS 10 lbs (Loaded magazine $550, 115 lbs). 1d6 to all tires. Cannot be made explosive, incendiary or expanded. Cannot be mixed with other rounds or be used in a spike gun. Pyramid spikes will damage plasticore and solids and are not destroyed when rolled over.

Anti-Radar Paint: This material is available in two types, which are listed as follows: 1) civilian: $500 per armor location, 2) military: $2,000 per armor location. All sides of a vehicle must be covered in order to be effective. Items such as EWPs are considered to be a separate location. Wheelguards and wheelhubs are protected at no extra cost. Anti-radar paint (ARP) disperses and diffuses a vehicle's radar signature, making it harder to detect. Civilian ARP gives the protected vehicle a -1 to be hit by all types of radar-guided weaponry. Military ARP increases the penalty to -2. Additionally, radar-based speed detectors will give a wildly inaccurate reading. The edge-definition effects of hi-res radar are also negated. The benefits of ARP are cumulative with those of radar-proof armor.

Improved Solar Panel: Costs $4,000, 100 lbs., 2 DP, and 2 spaces. When deployed it recharges 10 power units per panel per 10 minutes in daytime or 8 power units for flushed solar panels per 10 minutes. All other characteristics are the same as normal solar panels.

Signature Gun Mods: Cost three times base cost of handgun. The signature modification allows the gun to be fired by only one person. By installing an IC chip and palm reader into the gun, then encoding it with the firer's palm print. This allows only the firer to fire the gun. All pistols, rifles, PFTs, GLs, shotguns, needle guns, and stun guns can be modified.

Light X-Ray Laser: $5,000, 300 lbs., 2 spaces, 3 DP, to-hit 7, 2 dice damage.

Medium X-Ray Laser: $10,000, 525 lbs., 3 spaces, 3 DP, to-hit 7, 3 dice damage.

Twin X-Ray Laser: $18,000, 1,125 lbs., 3 spaces, 3 DP, to-hit 7, 4d+3 damage.

Under-Barrel Shotgun for Pistols: +$25, +1 lb, (zero GE); to-hit as pistol type; CPS 1; 1 shot; damage as StG; for LP, HP, MP, GP. This adds a small single-load shotgun to the underside of a pistol. It may be fired at the same time as the main pistol, but only at the main pistol's target. May fire LStG or StG loads.

Light Shotgun (LStG): $60, 4 lbs. (1 GE); 2-hands; to-hit of 6; CPS 1, 10 shots, damage 1 hit. Loaded cost: $70.

Light 2-barreled Shotgun (LDStG): $100, 6 lbs. (2 GE); 2-hands; to-hit of 6; CPS 1, 10/5 shots, damage 1/2 hit(s). Loaded cost: $110.

Long Range Scoped Pistol: $650, 1 lb. (1 GE) 1 hit, to-hit 7, 10 shots, CPS 1. Loaded cost $660.

Flechette Pistol: $450, 3 lbs. (1 GE), 1d+2 damage, to-hit 7, 10 shots, CPS 5. Loaded cost $500.

Bulletproof Vest: $200, 3 lbs. (0 GE), 2 DP

Midget Race Body: $5,000; 250 lbs.; Max wgt. 2,000 lbs.; 7 spaces; Armor $/wgt: 12/6; HC 5.

Light Indy/ Formula 2 Body: $6,000; 500 lbs.; max wgt. 3,500 lbs.; 13 spaces; Armor $/wgt: 20/8; HC 6.


After the disaster called the World Racing Championship the Weasel has come out of retirement and will compete in both Worlds next year. Also his Hammer's Slammers is reforming and will have it's own dueling and racing club championship. So, look out; the Weasel is back.
    This year's Racing Worlds was a joke and NOVA is protesting the results. The event had poor set-up, biased judging, conspiring players, and unannounced rule changes. Jacob Abrams should not be allowed to run another Racing Championship; he doesn't know what racing means. He runs more of a demolition derby event than a racing event. End of story.
    Submissions: all submissions to this newsletter should be in writing and sent to us. This includes: convention reports, news, duel & race reports, vehicle designs, etc.. Please remember this. No phone submissions.
    Musings: Is it just me or have the duels and races become lopsided in the last year. Is this because of the lack of good competition? Granted, getting some new players into a group would help. But since we're in the depths of a card game reign and SJG has been unresponsive to helping Car Wars; nothing new has appeared. No, I won't buy into the youth movement theory!
    Back to the state of things. Well, the Maniacs and the Dark Knight have been killed in huge battles with the National Guard and DSA forces. The battlegrounds are being investigated thoroughly for any traps and to verify that they did actually die. After the last several months of chaos the area may finally be settling down.
    There's also news that the Jackal's latest terrorism and pizza franchises have been stopped cold. The latest Jackal was a splinter group of the original Jackal's forces based in the city-nation of Schwain (cyborg nation), which was dismantled by the DSA. This splinter group was subsequently condemned under the U.S. anti-cyborg laws.
    The original Jackal was "cured" and is now a member of Gamemasters (NOVA South). Gamemasters president Dragonmazer was recently returned to Florida after being treated for a split personality disorder. He is still seeing a therapist for his duel fatigue.
    U.S. President Culkin has introduced and passed anti-cyborg laws, limiting the use of cybernetic replacement parts within the U.S. This is in response to a multitude of cyborg-related crimes across the country in recent years. The crimes include: terrorism, murder, theft, destruction of property and a host of other criminal acts.
    For those of you reading Pyramid's AADA News on the Racing Worlds the report was like the real event - a joke. It concentrated on the crashing and not the racing. Need I point out this was the Racing World's I'm talking about? I missed something while attending this racing event? What's the point? I was the only one to score a lap in the second, and nearly completed two laps in the final, yet no mention of this was made in the write-up. Instead, we get the drunken ramblings of a fool. If you want to read the real story of the Racing Worlds, read the last issue of the Nightmessenger.
    Mayor Bill the Cat and Police Commissioner Smith have been extremely busy due to the events of recent months -- wrecks, crazy cults, dinosaurs and cyborgs causing problems in the city. As of yet, none of the real villains have been caught.


You are a driver +2, gunner +1 in a mid-size competing in a Division 10 duel, and things have not been good. Your left-front PR tire took an early hit and is down to 4 DP. Your 8 DP wheelhub is intact. The guy you trashed last month got healthy pretty quick, and is now bearing down on you, coming in on your left arc. He's driving a X-10, which you know to be equipped with a VMG and a hi-res computer. You estimate his range to be 13" and consider him to be as good a shot as you are. The questions are these:

1) What is the necessary to-hit score for your left-front tire? (Don't look at the answers, this isn't an open-book test!) A: 6, B: 7, C: 8, D: 9, E: 10

2) If he does hit, what are the chances that you will lose the tire? A: good, B: damn good, C: poor, D: not even close, E: what?? (Hint: figure average damage of a VMG vs. protection of wheelhub and DP of tire. Anyone who can come up with a formula for this is doing better than I am; and my SAT math score was 710). We recommend you guess.

3) If he closes on you by 2" every turn (regardless of your acceleration), what will he need to hit you in three turns, assuming he fired at you every turn but missed?
A: automatic hit, B: 4, C: 5, D: 6, E: 7, F: plead for mercy?

4) At what range should you fire your last armor-piercing RL round at him in order to have a to-hit score of 6? (Assume you have a hi-res computer also).
A: 7", B: 3", C: less than 1", D: are you high? E: 3.141592654" (note: answer D isn't available, this is a test! You can't answer a question with a question!!).

5) Essay: What would you do (while the X-10 was closing on you during question #3) in order to avoid becoming another vehicle kill for the gratification of the worthless scum who are watching this on pay TV (double prestige, $50,000 to the winner)? Answers are at the end of the newsletter, no fair peeking (violators will be shot).


September 25, 2045: The remains of eight to ten cyborgs were found in a rest stop near Springfield, MO. The State Patrol is baffled. According to the Patrol, black berets were found on the heads of the destroyed cyborgs.

September 27, 2045: State and Federal officials announced that Robodyne Pizza, Inc. is being shut down, due to the discovery of its ties to organized crime families, who used it for a multitude of illicit activities. The city-nation of Schwain, which owns Robodyne, invoked "diplomatic immunity" when questioned.

September 28, 2045: President Culkin called Schwain "a nation of thugs and punks, which will be dealt with accordingly."

September 29, 2045: Schwain was invaded by U.S. and D.S.A. armed forces today. Casualties among the Schwains were heavy, while the invaders' casualties were light. Schwain fell in 6 hours.

September 30, 2045: Values of stock certificates for DKI, Robodyne Inc., and Schwain fell by 50%, due to the revealing of their respective ties to terrorist groups. Representatives from all three companies had no comment.

October 2, 2045: President Culkin introduced bills to Congress to restrict cybernetic implants sales and use in civilian and military spheres. The Cy-7 have been placed on probation pending the outcome of debate on the bills.

October 3, 2045: After two years of legal proceedings, the disputed kill of Norman McMullen in the 2043 NOVA Club Dueling Championship was resolved in favor of Chris French, who received the credit for "killing" Norm. The Board of Review stated, "Michael Garrity fired upon an incapacitated duelist -- Norm's car was incapable of firing back and/or moving out of the way. Therefore, Mike should not have received credit for the kill. Also, Norman should not have replied to Mike's surrender demand, as Norman was already eliminated. Chris has sole right to the kill, and is awarded same, retroactive to 9/18/2043."

Revised event results--
1st: Chris French (3 kills, survivor point)
2nd: Mike Garrity (1 kill, killed)

October 6, 2045: Local hospitals are filled to capacity by victims of tainted foodstuffs; some 100 fatalities are reported. Mayor Bill The Cat is urging all citizens to cook food thoroughly before consumption. Commissioner Smith stated, "We are investigating all foodstuffs. Shipments of clean food will arrive tomorrow Distribution sites will be announced tomorrow."

October 7, 2045: Shipments of clean foodstuffs arrived in New Omaha at dawn; distribution was underway in short order. Mayor Bill The Cat thanked the citizenry for their cooperation.

October 13, 2045: A giant snake slithered out of the Missouri River and into downtown New Omaha. NOPD and National Guard forces were forced to kill the creature when it became obvious it could not be taken alive. Some 300 casualties and 50 fatalities have been reported. The snake, now on display in the Central Park Mall, is about 300 feet long and 20 feet in diameter.

October 14, 2045: Using several heavy-lift aircraft, the National Guard removed the giant snake carcass from the Mall, and hauled it to the Fort Calhoun ruins for study.
    In other news, Don Jacques scored his first kill in some 1.5 years. Chris French eventually won the duel in Aksarben Arena.

October 16, 2045: Delegates from the major nations of the world gathered in Edinburgh, Scotland, to discuss the adoption of international sanctions against cybernetics and cyborgs.

October 20, 2045: Afternoon rush hour was disrupted by four airships equipped with Hypersound systems blasting white noise at New Omaha. The ships were shot down in short order, but not before several dozen people were incapacitated. Also, buildings in town are being inspected for harmonic-induced damage. Commissioner Smith is investigating.

October 21, 2045: After a week-long debate, the final particulars of the International Anti-Cyborg Treaties were agreed upon. Work now begins on the official draft of the IACT.

October 26, 2045: Psycho announced the opening of his Road Kill Pizza Parlors, with dine-in, carry out, and delivery service. The parlors will be part of his Road Kill Cafe business. He stated, "Well, I got my hands on some of Robodyne's old gear, then just put my name on it."

October 30, 2045: The Maniacs broadcast the following message to New Omaha: "If you want us, we're nearby, but not Down Under." Roughly one hour later, D.S.A., NENG, and Daimschell Tread Works forces left the city.
    Some two hours later, the New Omaha forces engaged a "ThunderZord" outside Sidney, IA, destroying it and the base from which it was controlled in under 20 minutes, while taking nominal losses. The Maniacs broadcast the battle.
    Immediately afterward, the Maniacs broadcast the following message: "I'm strong and dumb. My love for firepower is comical at times. See you in the funny papers."

October 31, 2045: D.S.A. and Nebraska National Guard forces battled a MechaGodzilla "clone" outside Bruno, NE. The battle was broadcast by the Maniacs. The battle took 15 minutes, and ended with MechaGodzilla destroyed and the Maniacs' base overrun. The NENG lost nearly 100 troops; the D.S.A. troops had one Hover Assault Gun moderately damaged.
    Afterwards, the Maniacs broadcast the following message: "Only we fight wars. It all comes down to just one."

November 1, 2045: Outside Soldier, IA, D.S.A. and IANG forces battled a giant purple dinosaur, which danced and sang its way over the IANG troops, injuring some 150 personnel. The battle lasted 30 minutes, the last five of which involved D.S.A. HAGs blasting the dinosaur to ribbons. Once again, the battle was broadcast by the Maniacs.
    After the battle, the Maniacs broadcast this message: "I'd rather have this or Death. We'll be waiting for you." The New Omaha force returned to New Omaha briefly, then struck out cross-country for the fourth time in 48 hours.
    In other news, Joseph Ratner announced that for some reason, NOVA's charter had not been renewed by the AADA, even though the paperwork had been filed some six months earlier. The AADA had no comment.

November 2, 2045: At Liberty, NE, D.S.A. and NENG forces engaged Dark Knight's army of cyborgs, which was augmented with the stolen King Rat Autonomous Battle Tank. The battle lasted several hours, and ended with the destruction of the cyborg army, and the annihilation of the King Rat; however, no sign was found of Dark Knight. The National Guard also located and removed several nuclear weapons of various sizes.
    The battle was broadcast by the Maniacs; the broadcast ended with this message: "Brother, you got the blues. I know just the place to cheer you up."

November 3, 2045: D.S.A., IANG, and NENG forces resupplied themselves in New Omaha, then headed out to Elwood, IA, to engage the Maniacs. Once more, the battle was broadcast by the Maniacs.
    The battle raged for several hours, with the Maniacs bringing out four giant robots, several "walker" tanks, hundreds of Cylon Centurion clones, and several thousands bipedal "snakes". These were demolished wholesale; the National Guard units were hit hard, losing nearly 400 troops. The D.S.A. armor survived with minimal damage.
    To the joy of all concerned the body of Dark Knight was found on the battlefield, ripped apart by D.S.A. powerguns. The corpses of the Maniacs -- apparently augmented by a fourth member -- were found, one each, in the walkers. The identity of the fourth Maniacs has not been released; however, his discoverers described the body as "a bastard cross of a human and a snake".
    Is this the end of the Maniacs and the Dark Knight? Only time will tell.

November 4, 2045: D.S.A. personnel completed their search of the Maniacs' base, and the battlefield nearby. No other surprises were found.

November 7, 2045: Due to delays incurred by events in the American Midwest, Work began today on the final draft of the IACT.

November 13, 2045: Dragonmazer left New Omaha for Florida, after a team of psychiatrists pronounced him cured of his schizophrenia. NOVA member escorted him to I-29 in Council Bluffs.

November 16, 2045: Dragonmazer arrived at Gamemasters HQ in Orlando, FL. He was met by Gamemasters' members, who were pleased to see him.

November 17, 2045: In simultaneous ceremonies in Edinburgh and Washington, D.C., the IACT was signed by representatives of the world's nations, just as President Culkin's related anti-cyborg bills were passed into law. The laws go into effect 1/1/2046.

November 18, 2045: The U.S. government shut down today, due to a lack of money. Basic services (postal, Social Security) will continue regardless.

November 20, 2045: Detective Hammer destroyed four cars and injured several bystanders when he stopped a local TV station's "Turkey Shoot" promotion at Crossroads Mall. Station officials were unavailable for comment. Hammer said, "It looked like a crime was being committed, but then you can never tell sometimes."

November 25, 2045: Hammer arrested Santa Claus today. Shoppers were stunned to see Hammer beating up Santa outside a store, then arresting him and his elves. Said one shopper, "I never knew the season could be so brutal."
    According to Hammer, "Yes, it was necessary. That jolly old elf and his gang were a shoplifting gang working the malls. Plus, it felt good. [draws gun, then says to it] Right, amigo? [looks around] Oops...."

December 5, 2045: Detective Hammer used a giant Christmas ornament to literally bowl over a group of fleeing criminals at Southroads Mall. Said Hammer, "Is that thing on? Good, 'cause I don't want this to get out. See, I dropped my amigo and had to, well, you know...."

December 6, 2045: Hammer arrested a TV cameraman and reporter for speeding en route to a live shoot. Hammer stated, "No, it wasn't 'cause of yesterday's news -- they were speeding. You get that, lab rat? I'm the man."

December 8, 2045: The Four Maniacs broadcast a video in which they revealed themselves to be The Beatles! Paul was Dr. Darksun, George was Professor Starshine, Ringo the Lightning Bug, and as the Fourth Maniac -- one "Yig" -- John Lennon! D.S.A. personnel have begun an investigation in conjunction with the US government. Beatle fans have swarmed to the sites of recent battles to look for souvenirs; however, the sites have been cleaned by D.S.A. and US personnel. The video ended with the following message from John: "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the group. We hope we passed the audition!"

December 10, 2045: D.S.A. and US government personnel have confirmed the identities of the Four Maniacs, and have stated that "had it been possible to bring them in alive, we would have, but such was not possible." They also said the hunt for other Maniacs bases and clones continues.
    One Elvis Commando stated, "Ya, man -- it makes perfect sense."

December 25, 2045: Detective Hammer reported arresting an old man in a red and white suit for breaking and entering, but released him after the man gave him a new heavy pistol. Merry Christmas, everyone.

December 28, 2045: The DKI Corporate Challenge was run today at Aksarben Arena. To no great surprise, the DKI entry lost the Division 5 event; the DKI Division 60 and 100 entries slaughtered their opponents. Reaction to this event ranged from shock to outrage. The opposing corporations have threatened lawsuits against DKI, and rumors of civil and criminal charges being filed against DKI have been floated.


Christmas: Goldeneye

Still in theaters: Waterworld, Judge Dredd, and Batman Forever.

Video Releases: Batman Forever.


Spring Campaign '96: March or April in Ralston. NOVA will hold an event here.

Concussion I: June 1996 in Omaha. Lead by the worst con staffers in history. Good luck is not an option for this con. By all reports, this one is gonna hurt like a bag of anvils being dropped on one.

Origins '96: July 4-7, 1996 in Columbus, OH. Site of the 2046 Dueling Worlds.

Gencon '96: August '96 in Milwaukee, WI. Site of the 2046 Racing Worlds, Godzilla, the Midwest Racing Championship, and IROC 3-D.


In NM 9-3, we printed stats for booster packs; the weights listed were incorrect. Here is the correct stats:
Size Cost Weight DP Fuel
1-space $900 175 lbs. 2 100 lbs.
2-space $1,800 325 lbs. 3 200 lbs.
3-space $3,100 500 lbs. 4 300 lbs.
4-space $4,500 700 lbs. 5 400 lbs.
5-space $6,400 875 lbs. 6 500 lbs.


After this year's so-called World Racing Championship, I feel it is necessary to define "Racing" for everyone so this year's mistakes won't be repeated.

Dueltrack: Dueling cars with numbers painted on. The cars may be racing or regular, with moderate speeds (100+ MPH) and heavy weapons. Cars may be started in several different manners -- staggered around the track, starting in opposite directions, starting in packs of two to four, or combinations of the above.
    Carnage and mayhem are the main features of dueltrack events. Dueling and racing should never be combined -- high firepower and speed don't mix.

Racing: All cars are racing bodies, and travel the same direction around the track. They are configure for maximum speed and handling, and have a few low-damage weapons (if any). The start can be either standing or rolling; rolling starts are run at 60+ MPH, while standing starts have all cars starting from 0, and accelerating from there.
    The object of the event is to go the farthest distance the fastest (either over a set distance, or a set amount of time), NOT to see how many cars crash out. The cars should fail to finish due to mechanical failure, not due to combat. Combat usually begins after one lap. Dropped weapons of any kind (including flamethrowers, O/PGs, SGs, MFs, etc.) are forbidden. Direct-fire weapons usually are limited to one or two dice damage tops.


2045 Stinger: Subcompact, x-hvy chassis, hvy susp., small P.P. w/ PC & SC, 4 HD tires, driver. 2 MGs linked F. Metal/Plastic Armor: F 3/15, L 3/10, R 3/10, B 2/15, T 0/1, U 0/4. Accel. 5; Top Speed 90; HC 4; 2,760 lbs.; $6,258.
    Option 1: Replace MGs and link with RR, add 1 pt. metal & 5 pts. plastic armor. Armor: F 3/20, L 3/10, R 3/10, B 3/15, T 0/1, U 0/4. $5,140.
    Option 2: Replace 1 MG and link with HR, add 2 pts. metal & 10 pts. plastic armor. Armor: F 4/15, L 3/15, R 3/15, B 3/15, T 0/1, U 0/4. $5,073.
    Option 3: Replace MGs with RL, add 3 pts. metal & 15 pts. plastic armor. Armor: F 4/20, L 3/15, R 3/15, B 4/15, T 0/1, U 0/4. $4,805.
    Option 4: Replace 1 MG & link with either SD, PS, or SS; add 3 pts. metal & 10 pts. plastic armor. Armor: F 4/15, L 3/15, R 3/15, B 4/15, T 0/1, U 0/4. $5,200 (SD), $5,550 (PS), $5,250 (SS).

2045 Moose: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy susp., large P.P. w/ SCs., 4 SBPR radial tires, driver. 2 VMG w/ rotary mags linked F (10 shots HD, 10 shots Expl. each), HRSWC (VMGs). Armor: F 40, L 35, R 35, B 40, T 13, U 10, 10 pts. CA each for driver, plant, and VMGs, 4 10-pt. WG, 4 10-pt. WH. Accel 5; Top Speed 90; HC 3; 6,600 lbs.; $24,306.


"Come home with your shield or on it" -- Spartan proverb.

"All I ask is a tall ship and a load of contraband to fill her with." -- Quark, DS9 episode "Little Green Men".

"While invisible, I see and destroy." -- motto of the Soviet Army sniper.

"Where's the 'kaboom'?! There was supposed to be an earth-shattering 'kaboom'!" -- Marvin the Martian.

"Here's to the old one -- may the next one be a damn sight better." -- Col. Sherman Potter, M*A*S*H, on the New Year.


Recycler: 20-ft. flat-bed trailer, x-hvy chassis, 4 solid tires. 3 linked JD (1 ea. L, R, and B). Cargo: 21 sp., 11,415 lbs. Box Armor: F, L, R, B, T 10 ea.; Chassis Armor: UF, UB 15; 4 10-pt. WG. 3,465 lbs; $5,700.

Junkman: 25-ft. flatbed trailer, x-hvy chassis, 8 solid tires. 3 linked JD (1 ea. L, R, and B). Cargo: 26 sp., 14,585 lbs. Box Armor: F, L, R, B, T 10 ea; Chassis Armor: UF, UB 15; 4 10-pt. WG, 4 10-pt. WH. 4,255 lbs.; $8,650.

Junk-king: 30-ft. flatbed trailer, x-hvy chassis, 8 solid tires. 3 linked JD (1 ea. L, R, and B). Cargo: 32 sp., 17,935 lbs. Box Armor: F, L, R, B, T 10 ea; Chassis Armor: UF, UB 15; 4 10-pt WG, 4 10-pt. WH. 4,385 lbs.; $9,750.

DKI Automotive of New Omaha is pleased to announce the release of its "Cruiser" series of dueling vehicles. Built around a common chassis and engine, these vehicles feature the advantages of devastatingly accurate firepower and extremely heavy armor. Leading the class is a limited-production Division 100 design called the "Star Cruiser". It is the result of a design partnership between DKI Automotive and Radius Motors. It features two x-ray pulse lasers aimed by a cyberlink and powered by a laser battery. The vehicle itself is protected by nearly 1.5 tons of sloped fireproof armor.

Star Cruiser: Luxury w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, BP 150CI gas engine/w tubular headers, VP turbocharger, 5 gallon duelling tank, 4 FP solid tires, driver, 2 linked pulse XLs front, cyberlink, laser battery, 10 points FPCA for driver, 10 points FPCA for engine, FP insulator on fuel tank. Sloped FP armor: F75, L65, R65, B70, T10, U10. Accel. 10, top speed 70, base MPG - 45, HC 3; 6,580 lbs., $99,980.

The other three vehicles in the series are regular production Division 60 designs. They are named the "War Cruiser", "Battle Cruiser", and the "Heavy Cruiser" respectively. The War Cruiser is armed with a HVMG and extra magazine. Fire control is provided by a cyberlink. The ammunition is 1/2 HD and 1/2 explosive. Like its three brothers, the War Cruiser makes extensive use of component armor. Third in the series is the Battle Cruiser. This vehicle is designed to destroy its targets quickly by using two laser-guided VFRPs loaded with AP rockets. It also carries a turreted VMG to harass its targets by shooting at tires and penetrating already-damaged armor. The final vehicle in the series is the Heavy Cruiser. It is armed with a single pulse x-ray laser aimed by a hi-res single weapon computer. Unlike the other designs, the Heavy Cruiser carries dropped weapons. These consist of a linked ice dropper and oil jet on the vehicle's rear corners. They each have an extra magazine.

War Cruiser: Luxury w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, BP 150CI gas engine w/tubular headers, VP turbocharger, 5 gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, HVMG w/HD ammo front, extra HVMG magazine with explosive ammo, cyberlink, magazine switch, HD shocks. 10 points of FP component armor each for driver, engine, and HVMG. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/50, L0/52, R0/52, B0/65, T0/10, U0/10. Accel. 10, top speed 70, base mpg - 45, HC 3; 6,600 lbs., $58,248.

Battle Cruiser: Luxury w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, BP 150CI gas engine w/tubular headers, VP turbocharger, 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, 2 laser-guided VFRPs w/AP rockets front, turreted VMG, hi-res computer, blow-through concealment for VFRPs, 10 points of FPCA each for driver and engine. FP insulator on fuel tank. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F18/40, L0/50, R0/50, B0/60, T0/10, U0/10. Accel. 10, top speed 70, base mpg - 45, HC 4; 6,540 lbs., $54,320.

Heavy Cruiser: Luxury w/CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, BP 150CI gas engine w/tubular headers, VP turbocharger, 5-gallon duelling tank, 4 PR radial tires, driver, pulse x-ray laser w/laser battery front, linked OJ & ID corner-mounted LR (one extra magazine each), HRSWC, 10 points of FPCA each for driver and engine. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F20/50, L0/57, R0/57, B0/70, T0/10, U0/10. Accel. 10, top speed 70, base mpg - 45, HC 4; 6,540 lbs., $58,088.

The following three vehicles were designed by Geoff Hatten. They first appeared in a one-issue newsletter called the "Autodueller". It was published by Geoff Hatten and Greg Wells while they were stationed with the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Castle, South Korea in 1987.

Wham-Bam: Medium trike, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, large cycle power plant w/PCs, 3 PR tires, driver, RR w/HESH ammo F, 2 linked MFRPs w/AP loads (1 R, 1 L), HsD B, targeting computer. Armor: F30, L26, R26, B25, T21, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 95, HC 2; 2,283 lbs., $9,746.

Nighthawk: Heavy trike, std chassis, hvy suspension, super trike power plant, 3 PR tries, driver, ATG w/HESH ammo F, 1 HsD B, SWC, 10 points of CA each for driver and power plant. Sloped armor: F25, L17, R17, B20, T16, U11. Accel. 5, top speed 110, HC 2; 2,722 lbs., $9,997.

Monarch: X-hvy trike, hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super trike power plant w/PCs, 3 PR radial tires, driver, 4 linked RRs w/HESH ammo (2 R, 2 L), 3 linked HsD (1R, 1 L, 1 B), HRSWC, 10 points of CA for driver. Armor: F25, L15, R15, B20, T15, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 3,775 lbs., $19,930.

2045 NOVA Awards

This year NOVA gives out three awards for performance in the World Racing and Dueling Championships. Unlike past years no chapter or duelist of the year will be awarded. We couldn't find anyone worthy of them.

The Bonehead Award - for the stupidest action done in a duel or race: Chris Groesbeck for t-boning Norman McMullen at 175 mph, ending the 2045 Racing Worlds. It was the stupidest action done, considering he was guaranteed a podium finish of second or third without it. Revenge and conspiracy should be left off the race track.

The Worst Judge Award: Jacob Abrams judging and running of the 2045 Racing Worlds. A good example on how not to do the Racing Worlds. Running cars in opposite directions and spread out along the race track just proves our opinion of his lack of skill.

The Best Kill Award: Adam Riggs kill of Christopher Pearson during the 2045 Dueling Worlds final round. He got it by dropping ice, oil, and junk in front of Christopher (similar to a trick done by GHOST a few years ago at the Worlds. Yes, we do keep track).

by No-Gun
"The eyes have it!"

Eye of the Tiger: Gary Busey stars as an ex-con, Buck, who returns home to a small town where a cycle gang and sheriff terrorize the citizens. Busey becomes a hero when he saves a nurse from the cycle gang. This brings him up against the gang which proceeds to murder his wife. Eventually, Busey calls in some favors and gets an armed pickup. He destroys the gang (sheriff included). Yaphet Kotto helps Busey at times (via biplane bomber).
    This film is a Mad Max wanna be that almost pulls it off. It's the familiar one man verses a gang theme, and the story drags at times. A good film if you're bored on a winter night.*

Goldeneye: The latest in the thirty-three year Bond movie series. Pierce Brosnan is Bond and Sean Bean (Patriot Games) is 006 (Alex).
    Bond must stop some Russian military officers from using Goldeneye (a space-based electromagnetic pulse generator) to collapse the world's economy. Along the way he teams up with Isabella Scorupco, a Russian satellite tech, who goes through perils and narrowly escapes to stop Alex and Goldeneye. Joe Don Baker makes his second Bond appearance as a CIA agent who helps out at times.
    It's an average Bond film filled with a lot of action and stunts (more believable stunts then the last Bond film). Goldeneye is worth a few viewings, even though it's reminiscent of "Diamonds are Forever". **


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in case we didn't tell you earlier. May your new year be better than this year.
    This issue the Showroom went overboard.
    Hopefully, next issue will be more under control. We'll feature updated vans and the club duelling championship. By then we may also have the Central Regional in the bag.

Drive Offensively!
Norman McMullen
NOVA President
Chris French
NOVA Vice President



Opening Fire by Norman McMullen

NOVA Works:
    Pyramid and Expanded Spikes: Tim Jacques
    Improve Solar Panel, X-Ray Lasers, and Signature Gun Mods by Norman McMullen.
    Anti-radar Paint and X-Ray Lasers by Michael Garrity.
    Midget Racer & Light Indy/Formula 2 Bodies by Norman McMullen
    Under-Barrel Shotgun for Pistols, Light Shotgun, Light 2-barreled Shotgun, Long-Range Scoped Pistol*, Flechette Pistol*, and Bulletproof Vest* by Chris French (*: original idea from Mean Streets supplement)

The World "Out There" by Norman McMullen

Geoff & Greg's Question Corner by Geoff Hatten and Greg Wells

10 O'Clock News:
    Chris French, Michael Garrity, Norman McMullen, and Daniel Sloan

Movie Releases by Norman McMullen

Convention Calendar:
    Norman McMullen and Daniel Sloan

Murphy's Corner by Norman McMullen

Nuts & Bolts by Chris French and Norman McMullen

2045 Vehicle Guide Update
    2045 Stinger by Chris French
    2045 Moose by Mike Garrity

Quotes by Chris French

The Showroom:
    Star Cruiser, War Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, and Heavy Cruiser by Michael Garrity
    Wham-Bam, Nighthawk, and Monarch by Geoff Hatten
    Recycler, Junkman, and Junk-king by Norman McMullen; edited by Chris French.

2045 NOVA Awards by Norman McMullen

Cube Logs by Norman McMullen

Closing Fire by Norman McMullen

Typesetting by Don Jacques

Editors of the Great American Novelette:
    Don Jacques, Chris French, and Norman McMullen

Grand High Llama [sic] of Anal-Retentivity and Chief Editor: Chris French

Master Typist (theme song!) Work this issue by Chris "My spelling's *never* *that* bad!" French

Work done on WPWin 6.1
Answers to the Question Corner

1) D: 9, base 6 (-3 for range, -3 for tire, +2 for hi-res computer, +1 for gunner). No modifier for speed, range, not in arc of fire, etc.

2) I say C: poor. The chances for rolling above a 9 are 10 in 36 (less than 1 in 3). Average damage for a VMG is 7 points. The chance of the wheelhub absorbing the damage is 2 in 3. So, to automatically destroy the tire would require a damage roll of 12. If he hits (and gets past the wheelhub) the chances are 5 in 6 that you just lost the tire and probably the entire wheel. At this point, you hope they have good medics on the scene.

3) C: 5 is the correct answer, but F: pleading for mercy is the correct action. The chances are 5 in 6 that he will hit you. Two hits doing average damage each will wipe you out, regardless of the wheelhub.

4) C: less than 1". We just proved that you can't wait that long. So, take your chances and fire early (and pray a lot). This was a trick question.

5) There are many options available here. Maneuvering out of his arc of fire seems to be the most reasonable. However, my favorite tactic is based on the AD&D spell "Feign Death". At 40 mph, execute a D6 turn, fail your control roll and go into a crash and roll (try to avoid the burn). You will roll 4" (taking 1d6 damage to each side), and end up motionless on your tires. Most duelists don't fire on rolling vehicles, being fascinated at the sight and distracted by the roar of the crowd as it goes wild. When your opponent comes close to inspect his handiwork, blast him into little debris counters.

(Note: This "Feign Death" tactic was accidentally created by Mike Garrity during a Division-20 duel at the Dumbarton Slalom arena. He rolled his vehicle and landed on his tires facing one of the choke points. The first though that choke point was destroyed by 108 points of damage from three linked MFRPs loaded with armor-piercing rockets).

Will the last person to read this please turn off the artwork?

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