Mystic Motors Zodiac Series

Back in the days of Vehicle Guide 1 , there were several vehicle designs labled with names from the Zodiac. Years past, and there were no other designs to take up the remaining names. This article will take up that task and finish it.

: Compact, extra-heavy chassis, heavy suspension, medium power plant w/PC & SC, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 linked HRs front w/bumper trigger, MG w/HD ammo in sponson turret rear, high torque motors. Sloped armor: F50(ram), L35, R35, B35, T15, U15 w/2 10-point wheelguards and 2 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5/10 w/HTMs, top speed 95/70 w/HTMs, HC 3; 4,395 lbs., $12,868.
    A rammer with a thick ramplate, the Aries (the Ram in the Zodiac) can bash up opponents with the best of them. There's enough weight and money left over for nine dischargers.

2054 Taurus
: Medium cycle, heavy suspension, large cycle power plant w/PC & SC, 2 PR tires, cyclist, MG front. Armor: F20, B19 w/2 5-point cycle wheelguards. Accel. 10, top speed 162.5, HC 2; 1,090 lbs., $5,879. update by Don Jacques
    Taurus Sidecar : Heavy sidecar w/CA frame, improved suspension, PR tire. RL side, SD rear. Armor: F5, L5, R10, B7, T4, U4 w/5-point cycle wheelguard. HC 1; 745 lbs., $5,675. * Depending on RL location, switch the armor values of the left and right sides.
    Combo: Accel. 10, top speed 120, HC 3; 1,835 lbs., $11,554.
    With an RL-equipped sidecar, the Taurus can indeed be a bull in battle. The updated Taurus takes advantage of engine upgrades to get cycle wheelguards. Enhanced power also allows the Taurus to pull the sidecar without losing acceleration.* The sidecar uses a CA frame so it can carry more armor.
    * If equipped with three dischargers, the cycle/sidecar combo will have an acceleration of 5 until two of those dischargers are fired.
: Speedboat, medium boat power plant w/PC & SC, 2 medium propellers, boat top, twin hull, pilot, MG left, 3 high-velocity homing torpedoes left and right, 4 foxers rear. Armor: F30, L30, R30, B30, T8, U42. Propeller DP: 5. Accel. 5, top speed 67.5, HC 4; 6,990 lbs., $28,950. "Cargo capacity - 10 lbs., 2 spaces".
    Named Gemini for its twin hull, this speedboat is a powerful division-30 contender. Six torpedoes for offense, four foxers for defense, and a machinegun to settle affairs in those long-term duels.

: Standard Hover, medium boat power plant w/PC, 4 heavy skirts, pilot, XL front, FCGS in sponson turret rear, FCGS magazine, turbofans, laser battery. Sloped armor: F50, L40, R40, B40, T15, U15. Fan DP: 4. 4 points of armor for lift fan, 2 points of armor for each thust fan (3), 4 2-point skirt guards. Accel. 7.5, top speed 90, HC 3; 7,587 lbs., $31,055. "Cargo capacity - 13 lbs., 5 spaces".
    Squat in size, like its namesake crab, the Cancer has an x-ray laser. In division-40 fights the Cancer can burn through whatever metal armor it finds on its opponets. The flamecloud gas streamer has a greater arc, insuring that foes can't avoid injesting some flames into their lift fans. 

2054 Leo: Medium trike, heavy chassis, OR supension, large cycle power plant, 3 OR solid tires, cyclist, MG front, HR left and right - linked, SD rear, body blades, fire exting., brush cutter. Sloped armor: F25, L16, R16, B30, T15, U15. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2/3 OR; 2,310 lbs., $8,881. Update by Don Jacques
    Leo Pride - Move MG to turret. Sloped armor: F16, L13, R13, B22, T18, U10. $9,581.
    Now the Leo (the Lion) has something more to roar about. With a heavy chassis the Leo carries more armor and has a spikedropper for defense.

: Mini Bus, extra-heavy chassis, small truck power plant, 10 solid tires, driver, gunner, GG w/magazine front, GG w/magazine in 3-space sponson turret left and right, three smart links for GGs, HDOJ w/magazine rear, MG in sponson turret rear, flush solar panel, laser battery, infrared, spare solid tire, bulk ammo box - GG, fire extinguisher, galley, passenger accomidations for one, extra driver controls, one pair of oversized vehicle airfoils. Armor: F55, L45, R45, B45, T20, U20 w/6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 100, HC 1; 14,365 lbs., $93,060.
    Don't be fooled by the Virgo (the Virgin). An escort design, the Virgo has hitting power and armor to say in the fight.

Libra: Large trike, extra-heavy chassis, heavy suspension, super cycle power plant w/SC, 3 solid tires, cyclist, VMG front, HR left and right - linked, SD left and right - linked, OJ w/pyrophoric oil rear linked to SDs, link - VMG to dropped weapons. Armor: F45, L40, R40, B35, T10, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 2; 3,298 lbs., $14,020.
    Seeking balance like a pair of scales, the Libra is a division-15 trike. It also has armor like those found on compacts, but it has more variety of weapons.

Scorpio: Small copter, small power plant w/PC & SC, pilot, pulse HXL front, long range radar, laser battery, pair of one-space weapon wings w/HR and ten points of armor each, IRTL front and LGLs for HRs, foil ejection system, improved tail assembly, 2 extra main and stabilizing rotor blades. Armor: F51, L35, R35, B35, T30, U50. Accel. 5, top speed 150, HC 3/4 @ 60+; 9,200 lbs., $103,930. Rotor DP 7/5.
    Sting, you're it! The Scorpio (Scorpion) has a weapon capable of making obsticles out of your car with each shot. For a 21st volley, it has two laser-guided rockets.

Sagittarius: Camper, extra-heavy chassis (6 wheels), heavy suspension, sport power plant, 6 solid tires, driver, gunner, 3 space universal turret w/RL and RGM, RL magazine, 3-space rocket magazine w/RGMs, SD rear,  IRTL in turret and LGL for RL rounds, radar, radar detector, radar jammer. Armor: F35, L30, R30, B30, T30, U15 w/2 10-point wheelguards and 2 10-point wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 100, HC 2; 7,775 lbs., $54,500.
    Like the archer, the Sagittarius can reach its foes near and far. Used as an escort, this vehicle can tackle long range foes with its radar-guided missiles.

2054 Capricorn: Compact, extra-heavy chassis, heavy suspension, large power plant w/PC & SC, 4 Radial PR tires, driver, RR front, SS rear, SWC. Armor: F45, L40, R40, B40, T25, U20 w/4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 10, top speed 122.5, HC 3; 4,435 lbs., $12,630. update by Don Jacques
    Using power plant upgrades to get accleration without using high torque motors (which require a firing action to use), the Capricorn is still a tough old goat.

2054 Aquarius: Medium cycle, heavy suspension, small cycle power plant, 2 PR tires, cyclist, RR front, high torque motors. Armor: F14, B12 w/2 5-point cycle wheelguards. Accel. 5/10 w/HTMs, top speed 95/70 w/HTMs, HC 2; 1,100 lbs., $4,236. update by Don Jacques
    RL option: RR to RL. Add 20 points of armor. $3,956.
    An effective cycle in division-5 twenty years ago, the Aquarius is still just as competitive now. High torque motors give it the water bearer acceleration found in other cycles. With only minor armor shaved off the Aquarius gains cycle wheelguards.

2044 Pisces: Mid-size, standard chassis, heavy suspension, medium power plant with PC & SC, 4 PR tires, driver, VMG front, MFR rear, HR left and right, 4 points of component armor for driver. Armor: F40, L30, R30, B30, T10, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 3; 4,666 lbs., $9,990. update by Don Jacques
    2044 Pisces H : Add one point of component armor. Add 16 points for armor. 4,798 lbs., $10,256.
    Sloped Armor Version : Remove HRs and PC from power plant; slope the armor. Component armor up to 10 points. Top speed 90; 4,490 lbs., $9,690.
    2051 Pisces : Change HRs to MRs. Change MFR to linked pair of MRs.  Remove PC from power plant. Top speed 90; 4,516 lbs., $9,550.
    2051 Pisces M : Move rear MFR left. HRs to MFR (right). Remove PC from power plant.  Additional point of CA for driver. Top speed 90; 4,620 lbs., $9,850.
    This fish has stayed in the frying pan for years and intends to stay there for many more. The Pisces remains a popular division-10 car.

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