Metropolitan Motors
Division 20 Vehicles

A workhorse vehicle not meant for heavy combat, armor is shaved severely, and after a strong front punch, its offense is practically nil.  Tires are even weaker.  However, in the safe or escorted conditions it was meant for, it can haul almost a ton and still go from 0-60 in six seconds thanks to a power plant normally found in high-performance sports cars and Metropolitan's high-ticket arena models.  Its total cargo capacity approaches a ton and a half.
    Haulmaster: Pickup, x-hvy 6-wheel chassis, improved suspension, sport PP w/PC & SC, 6 PR tires, driver, MG in turret, HR front. metal/plastic armor: F1/12, L1/12, R1/12, B1/12, T1/12, U0/1. Cargo capacity 14 spaces, 2,854 lbs.  Accel. 10/5 fully loaded, top speed 147.5/110 full load, HC 1; 4,946 lbs $18,537.

Metropolitan motors seems to have a split personality at times with their cars.  Their larger, higher ticket cars tend to have a strong offense, but have gotten criticized for their lack of defense.  Their smaller cars seem almost overly defensive.  The Phalanx is no exception, with only a single offensive weapon, but thick armor, single shot ice dischargers, and the ability to hide itself in a cloud of smoke if all else fails.  Like many, it is surprisingly quick.
    Phalanx: Compact x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension. large PP w/PC & SC, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 10-pt hubs front, 2 10-pt guards back, MG w/ HD ammo in turret.  3 IcD (L, R, B) 7 SkD (F, 2U 2T, L, R) link for all dischargers (total of 10 links) HRSWC, fire extinguisher. LR metal/FP plastic armor: F4/8, L4/8, R4/8, B4/8, T4/8, U0/8. Accel. 10, top speed 122.5,  HC 3; 4,440 lbs., $16,138.
    Phalanx 15: replace HRSWC with SWC. $14,138

Road Bully
Essentially a beefed up version of the smaller Woodstock made by the same company, the Road Bully has no direct fire except that provided by its passengers, but a huge ramplate for a midsize car.  The standard option is not legal for AADA competition, but the GA trades in the passengers for a large gas engine, and is even faster.  This one is arena legal.  On the road, look for the tubular headers on the side if you are too far a way to see if it is a one- or four-seater.
    Road Bully: Mid-size, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, sport PP w/ PC & SC, 4 solid tires, driver, 2 10-pt hubs front, 2 10-pt guards back, 3 passengers. Metal/plastic armor: F5/37(ramplate), L5/26, R5/26, B5/26, T1/2, U1/4. Accel. 10, top speed 135, HC 3; 5,756 lbs., $18,804.
    Road Bully GA: remove passengers.  Replace power plant w/500CID engine w/BP & TH and turbocharger.  Add 5 gal dueling tank. Total of 146 plastic and 21 metal armor (front armor/ramplate remains 5/37).  Accel. 10/20 w/turbocharger; 5,756 lbs., Top speed 167.5; $35,120.

The Steelhammer is built on a plan similar to many other arena compacts.  In this case, it finds itself in a rather high division for it's mediocre offense.  Smoke removes it's reach and some of its accuracy, but it's armor can still make it a tough nut to crack.
    Steelhammer: Compact, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, medium PP w/ PC & SC, 4 SB solid tires, driver, 2 10-pt hubs front, 2 10-pt guards back, turreted LL, 2 linked MG front, hi-res computer, fire extinguisher. Metal/plastic armor: F5/9, L3/4, R3/4, B3/4, T4/4, U2/5. Accel 5, top speed 95, HC 3; 4,440 lbs $18,990.

Wild Thang
Metropolitan Motors has a standing option for anyone for whom they make a custom car:  They reserve the right to make that car into a factory model.  They almost always do as well, leaving them with some of their production line being very specific to the tastes of  a particular duelist or situation of a particular duel, thus having some rather odd vehicles.  Such was this one commissioned by BLUD dueling brothers Bubba and Lee Ray Caspar.  The Wild Thing is not only illegal in AADA arenas, but it is a convertible to boot, and made to go after both cars and pedestrians.  The options are basically less risky versions which are also AADA arena legal.   Unfortunately, they don't fix the unorthodox dropped weapons package or the lack of direct offense.
    Wild Thang: Luxury, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super PP w/ PC & SC, 4 SB solid tires, driver, 2 1-pt metal wheelguards back, 2 1-pt metal wheelhubs front, passenger, ID-OJ-SS w/magazine (10 rounds regular, 10 rounds tear gas) rear, magazine switch for SS,  3 links, MML front,  2 ejection seats w/ parachutes, sunroof. Metal armor F15(ramplate), L5, R5, B5, T1, U3. Accel. 5, top speed 112.5,  HC 3; 6,570 lbs, $19,100.
    Very Wild Thang: remove ejection seats and sunroof.  Make all SS  loads standard smoke and remove magazine switch.  Replace passenger with gunner.  Replace MML w/ RL. Add 2pts metal armor. 6,570 lbs $17,750.
    Super Wild Thing: as Very option, but upgrade PP to sport w/PC & SC. add IFE.  remove 2pts metal from Very option.  Accel. 10,  top speed 122.5; 6,570 lbs., $23,250.

Another one of the cargo hauler from Metropolitan, this one is primarily sold in small fleets for construction sites and such.   Made on a similar basis as the same company's Haulmaster, it has thicker armor and better tires, but less cargo weight and speed.
    Work-A-Haul-Ic: Pickup, x-hvy 6 wheel chassis, hvy suspension, super PP,  6 solid tires, driver, MG in turret, SWC, IFE .metal/plastic armor F5/17, L5/17, R5/17, T5/17, B5/17, U1/5. Cargo 14 spaces, 1,070 lbs. Accel. 5, top speed 100/90 full load,  HC 2; 6,730 lbs., $16,210.

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