Miscellaneous Military Vehicles

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War Scout: Heavy cycle w/CA frame, OR suspension, medium power plant w/PC & SC, 2 PROR tires, cyclist, AGL w/impact-fuzed grenades F, FOJ rear, HRSWC, light amplification telescopic optics, military radio, HD shocks, HD brakes, anti-lock braking system. Armor: F30, B20 with 2 5-point cycle wheelguards. Accel. 10, top speed 125, HC 2 (3 OR); 1,295 lbs., $24,855. MG

Heavy Scout: X-hvy trike w/ CA frame, x-hvy chassis, hvy suspension, super trike power plant w/ upgrades, 3 PR radial cycle tires, cyclist, 2 linked BCs (1 R, 1 L) w/ rotary magazines (5 shots HESH & 5 shots HEAT in each), HrSwc, light amplification, telescopic optics, military radio, 10 pts CA on cyclist, 1 10-pt cycle wheelguard F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B, 2 10-pt cycle wheel hubs F,  2 10-pt wheel hubs B, Armor: F60, B50, R45, L45, T10, U10. Acceleration: 5, HC: 3, Top Speed:  90 mph, 4,139 lbs, $38,238. MG

MFDC (Mobile Fire-Direction Center): 30-space AFV hull, regular AFV power plant, driver & 2 gunners, long-barreled AC w/ weapon-auto stabilization in 4-space turret T, 2 extra magazines (1 w/ proximity-fuzed ammo), HrSwc, Ir-laser rangefinder, magazine switch, remote-control guidance set, military radar, counter-battery computer, NBC/IR shielding, telescopic optics, light amplification, directional communicator, military radio, 3 safety seats, improved fire extinguisher,  4 hot smoke projectors (1 F, 1 B, 1 R, 1 L), 4 laser-reactive webs (1 F, 1 B, 1 R, 1 L) linked to projectors, 30 charges reactive armor, 10% hull armor sloping, Laminate AFV Armor: F60/75 (10%), B20/30, R25/30, L25/30, T20/30, U15/20. Acceleration: 2.5/5, HC: 5, Top Speed: 62.5 mph, 29,175 lbs, $510,950. MG
Note: The armor totals include the bonus for sloping.

Tank Police Service Vehicles

Light Cruiser: Steamlined small armored car, small truck power plant, 4 PROR truck tires, driver, gunner, long-barreled AC w/weapon-auto stabilization in 4-space universal turret T, extra AC magazine, HRSWC, IR laser rangefinder, telescopic optics, light amplification, 2 safety seats, 4 10-point wheel hubs, 4 10-point wheel guards. 10% hull sloping. Regular AFV Armor: F75(10%), L40, R40, B40, T40, U13. Acceleration 2.5/5, top speed 122.5, HC 1 (2 OR); 10,000 lbs, $121,600. Armor totals include the bonus for sloping.

Heavy Cruiser: Medium armored car, medium truck power plant w/PC & SC, driver, gunner. Long-barreled HVMG w/HD ammo, weapon-auto stabilization, and magazine switch in 4-space universal turret TF, HMG magazine w/explosive ammo, 2 AGLs w/impact-fuzed grenades in 4-space turret TB, 4 extra AGL magazines (all grenades impact-fuzed), IR laser rangefinder (HVMG), 2 HRSWC, telescopic optics, IR/thermograph, image enhancement, NBC/IR shielding, HD shocks, HD brakes, 2 safety seats, assault ramp. 10% hull sloping. Metal/Plastic AFV armor: F30/45 (10%), LF12/15, LB12/15, RF12/15, RB12/15, TF10/12, TB10/12, UF8/10, UB8/10, B10/12. Acceleration 2.5/5, top speed 77.5, HC 1 (2 OR); 21,985 lbs., $274,960.

Police Patrol Helicopter: Standard helicopter w/CA frame & improved tail assembly, super power plant w/PC & SC, CACR rotors, retractable landing gear, pilot, gunner, 3-space universal turret under w/pulse laser & searchlight, laser battery, 2 3-space EWPs (1 L, 1 R) w/ejection system & 10 points FP armor on each, 2 GLs (one per EWP) w/extra magazine each (all grenades are impact-fuzed), 2 HRSWC, IR/thermograph, telescopic optics, radar rangefinder, 2 safety/ejection seats, 1 pair maneuver foils (metal) w/ejection system & 2 points metal armor on each foil, tinted windows. Metal/FP plastic armor: F20/25, L15/20, R15/20, B12/15, T12/15, U15/20. Acceleration 5, top speed 190, HC 3;  16,470  lbs.$332,675.