OVAs as per Bus Sheet

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2044 Parkway Pusher: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 6 passengers, 2 linked HMGs with HD ammo in universal turret. 3 SDs with explosive loads located one each at right, left, and back. 3 SSs with tear gas loads located one each at right, left, and back. Fire extinguisher, tool kit, infrared, 5 links. Armor: F60 (ramplate), L45, R45, B45, T45, U33, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,322 lbs., $52,066. DJ

Stormfront: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, 2 gunners, 2 linked ATGs with magazines front, VMG with incendiary ammo in universal turret, 3 SDs with explosive loads located one left, right, rear. HDFCE rear, improved fire extinguisher, HD shocks, 10 points of component armor for linked ATGs, powerplant, driver and gunners, HDFCE and rear SD. Armor: F54, L45, R45, B45, T40, U30, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,391 lbs., $53,638. DJ

Cannon Collider: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small powerplant, 10 solid tires, driver, gunner, 2 linked BCs with magazine each front, VMG with HD ammo in universal turret, HDFOJ with magazine and HT fuel rear, Large Dropped Spike Plate, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, one pair of OVAs, HD shocks, extra driver controls. Sloped armor: F76, L40, R40, B40, T40, U20, 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 5-point wheelhubs. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,387 lbs., $83,262. DJ

Ital Works 2044 Caesar: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant, 10 solid tires, driver, gunner, 8 passengers, 2 linked HMGs with HD ammo in universal turret, ID rear, improved fire extinguisher, infrared, spare solid tire, one pair of OVAs, extra driver controls. Armor: F60, L40, R40, B40, T40, U23, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 100, HC 1; 14,392 lbs., $58,676. Update by DJ

Radius Motors Sledge (updated 03/22/97): Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small truck power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 75mm Tank Gun w/extra magazine and bumper trigger front, 2 linked VMGs in universal turret, LDR, fire extinguisher, two targeting computers. Armor: F60, L55, R55, B55, T55, U16, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 100, HC 1; 14,249 lbs., $57,022. Cargo capacity: 9 spaces, 151 lbs. NM

Radius Motors Bloodstorm: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 3 linked VFRPs front, 2 linked VMGs in turret, HD/anti-lock brakes, tinted/no-paint windshield, LDR, extra driving controls, 2 targeting computers, bumper trigger front, radar detector. Armor: F65, L64, R64, B60, T65, U20, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 100, HC 1; 14,397 lbs., $59,016. Cargo capacity: 12 spaces, 3 lbs. NM Police Transporter: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant w/PC & SC, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 8 passengers. 2 linked GLs w/impact-fuzed grenades and magazine switches in 4-space turret, 4 extra GL magazines - 2 tear gas, 2 flechette and all have impact fuzes, HRSWC for gunner, anti-theft system w/8 flechette grenades, LD radio, tinted/no-paint windows, 10 safety seats, HD shocks, HD brakes, 10 points CA for power plant. Armor: F65, L55, R55, B50, T40, U15 with 6 10-point wheelguards and 6 10-point wheelhubs.. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 110, HC 1; 14,400 lbs., $65,820. MG

2049 Sledge: Mini bus, x-hvy. chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, TG w/extra magazine front (all ammo APFSDS), BC in universal turret, extra BC magazine, all BC ammo is HESH. SD w/explosive ammo rear linked to SD w/explosive ammo left, bumper trigger front and rear, 2 targeting computers, LDR, TG linked to BC and SDs. Sloped armor: F55, L55, R55, B55, T50, U21, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,194 lbs., $62,993. Cargo Capacity: 3 spaces, 206 lbs. NM

2050 Sledge: Mini bus, x-hvy chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, TG w/extra magazine front (all ammo APFSDS), universally turreted ATG w/extra magazine (all ammo is APFSDS), SD w/explosive ammo rear linked to SD w/explosive ammo left, bumper trigger front and rear, 2 targeting computers, LDR, TG linkedto BC and SDs. Sloped armor: F60, R50, L50, B50, T50, U17, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,198 lbs., $59,00. Cargo capacity: 4 spaces, 202 lbs. NM

Deathstorm: Mini bus, x-hvy chassis, medium power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner 2 passengers, 3 linked VFRPs w/AP ammo linked to ITL front, LGL for all rockets, 2 linked VMGs in turret, radar, radar detector and jammer, infrared, LDR, cyberlink (driver to ITL), sleeping area, improved fire extinguisher, quick-release hitch (6,600 lbs capacity), bumper trigger front, hi-res computer (gunner). FPRP armor: F48, L48, R48, B48, T43, U15, 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 117.5, HC 1; 14,335 lbs., $132,315. Internal cargo capacity: 1 space and 65 lbs. NM

Maelstorm: Mini bus, x-hvy chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 5 RLs w/incendiary ammo linked to ITL front, LGL for all rockets, FCE rear, VMG with incendiary ammo left and right, LDR, tinted/no-paint windows, HD/anti-lock brakes, improved fire extinguisher, bumper trigger front, 2 hi-res computers, radar, radar detector and jammer. FPRP armor: F75, L70, R70, B70, T40, U20. 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,390 lbs., $109,800. Cargo capacity: 6 spaces, 10 lbs. NM

Thunderstorm: Mini bus, x-hvy chassis, small power plant, 10 PR tires, driver, gunner, 5 RLs linked front, 2 VMGs w/incendiary ammo linked in universal turret, LDR, extra driver controls, radar detector, HD/anti-lock brakes, tinted/no-paint windows, 2 targeting computers, bumper trigger front. Armor: F65, L64, R64, B63, T64, U17. 6 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 14,348 lbs., $58,784. Cargo capacity: 11 spaces, 52 lbs. NM

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