Amex Battle Brick: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 RRs with magazine each (one front, one back), targeting computer. Armor: F65, L55, R55, B65, T10, U10. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 3; 5,760 lbs., $14,560. DJ
Amex Double D: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, turret with 2 linked HMGs with HD ammo, ID rear, link between HMGs and ID, 2 OD, 2 links, streamlining. Sloped armor: F40, L30, R30, B40, T40, U20. Accel. 5, top speed 102.5, HC 3' 5,760 lbs., $19,920. DJ
Amex Back Bash: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 linked RRs front, MG with HD ammo in turret, 10 points of component armor for driver. Armor: F38(ramplate), L36, R36, B36, T36, U20. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 3; 5,758 lbs., $15,894. Back Bash OR--suspension to OR. Tires to OR solids. Armor: F38(ramplate), L33, R33, B33, T32, U18. $19,254. DJ
Copilot: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 FP solid tires, driver, RR with magazine and magazine switch in universal turret, infrared, FP spoiler and airdam, autopilot linked to computer navigator, HD shocks, no paint/tinted windows, LDR, streamlining. Sloped FP armor: F40, L35, R35, B30, T40, U20 with 4 10-point FP wheelguards and 4 5-point FP wheelhubs. Accel. 5, top speed 102.5, HC 2; 5,735 lbs., $40,050. DJ
Amex Budget Brawler 2: Mid-size, light chassis, light suspension,
medium power plant, 4 HD tires, driver, LMG front, 3 linked pairs of MRs
(one front, one left, one right). Armor: F15, L12, R12, B11, T2, U2. Accel.
5, top speed 102.5, HC 1; 3,492 lbs., $4,984. DJ
MML version - Replace LMG with MML. Add 18
points of armor. Top speed 100, 3,611 lbs., $4,972.
Maneuver version - Remove LMG. Upgrade suspension
to heavy. Add JD rear. HC 3; 3,467 lbs., $4,684.
Kane Motors Sewer Roach: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, super power plant with PC & SC, 4 solid tires, driver, VMG front, 10 points of component armor for driver, spoiler and airdam, HRSWC, streamlining. Sloped armor: F60, L55, R55, B60, T5, U10. Accel. 10, top speed 135, HC 3/4 at 60+; 5,760 lbs., $19,912. DJ
Amex Combat Autoworks Sizzler-10: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, medium power plant with HD transmission, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 linked FTs left, SD rear, Pd rear. Armor: F50, L55, R45, B40, T10, U16. Accel. 2.5/5, top speed 70, HC 3; 5,758 lbs., $9,846. Update by DJ
Linden Motors Slab: Mid-size, stnd. chassis, hvy. suspension,
medium power plant w/PC & SC, 4 PR tires, driver, RL w/mag. front,
HR left and right. Sloped armor: F60, L45, R45, B45, T4, U5. Accel. 5,
top speed 90, HC 3; 4,797 lbs., $9,741. DJ
Streamlined version - remove 4 points of
armor. Add streamlining. Top speed 100; 4,765 lbs., $9,971.
Linden Motors 2044 Usurper: Mid-size, stnd. chassis, hvy. suspension, medium power plant with SC, 4 PR tires, driver, ATG front, RL rear, 10 points of component armor each for driver and ATG. Armor: F30, L25, R25, B30, T1, U4. Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 4,620 lbs., $9,740. Update by DJ
Radius Motors Forge: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, gunner, turreted VMG, VMG front, bumper trigger front, 2 targeting computers. Armor: F35, L35, R35, B30, T25, U15 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 5,760 lbs., $18,250. NM
Radius Motors Woe-Fighter: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, RL front, ID and OJ linked rear, bumper trigger front and back, SWC. Armor: F60, L60, R60, B60, T20, U18 with 4 10-point wheelguards. Accel. 5, top speed 92.5, HC 2; 5,759 lbs., $14,698. NM
Iron Dragon: Mid-size w/CA frame, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, blueprinted 150ci gas engine w/TH and VP turbocharger, 5 gallon duelling gastank, 4 SBPR tires, driver, RL w/extra magazine front, FOJ rear, SWC. Streamlining. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F20/40, L15/20, R15/20, B15/30, T0/10, U0/10. Accel. 10, top speed 75, base MPG 45, HC 3; 5,740 lbs., $29,243. MG
Fightblaster II: Mid-size, std. chassis, std. suspension, medium
power plant w/PC & SC, 4 std tires, driver, BC front. Metal armor:
F10, L10, R10, B8, T1, U1. Accel. 5, top speed 100, HC 1; 4,770 lbs., $9,600.
III: remove PC and SC, change armor to metal/plastic:
F12/15, R0/15, L0/15, B0/15, T0/4, U0/4. Top speed 90; 4,194 lbs, $9,718.
IV: remove PC and SC, add SWC for BC and change
armor to metal/plastic: F10/13, L0/20, R0/20, B0/20, T0/1, U0/4. 4,194
lbs., $9,438.
Fightblaster G: Mid-size w/CA frame, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, large power plant, 4 solid tires, driver, BC w/HESH ammo front, SD w/explosive ammo left linked to SD w/explosive ammo rear, BC and SDs linked, high torque motors, SWC. Metal/Plastic armor: F18/45, L7/35, R7/35, B7/40, T0/2, U0/5. Accel. 5/10 with HTMs, top speed 92.5/67.5 with HTMs, HC 3; 5,756 lbs., $24,802. NM
Killer Shrike: Mid-size, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, blueprinted 150-CI gas engine w/tubular headers, VP turbocharger, 5 gallon duelling tank, 4 PR tires, driver, turreted LSC w/tight-beam modifications, SfS rear, SD w/extra magazine right (all spikes are catalytic), SWC, laser battery, weapon link (SfS to SD), 2 10-pt wheel hubs F, 2 10-pt wheelguards B. Sloped metal/plastic armor: F15/30, B0/50, R0/40, L0/40, T0/40, U0/10. Accel. 10, top speed 70, HC 3; Base MPG: 45, 5,760 lbs, $29,106. MG
Mitsui 2044 Assassin: Mid-size, stnd. chassis, hvy. suspension,
medium power plant w/SC, 4 PR tires, driver, 2 linked RLs front, 2 linked
HRs rear, 10 points of CA for driver. Armor: F37, L32, R32, B32, T10, U10.
Accel. 5, top speed 90, HC 3; 4,614 lbs., $9,548. Update
by DJ
2052 version - replace RLs with VFRP front.
Add LR left and right. 4,589 lbs., $9,998.
Linden Motors Usurper-15: Mid-size, heavy chassis, heavy suspension, large power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, BC front, RR rear. Armor: F47, L42, R42, B44, T5, U5. Accel. 5, top speed 97.5, HC 3; 5,280 lbs., $14,910. DJ