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CanAir Starshot: Mid-sized grasshopper, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, mini copter power plant w/PC & SC, 4 PR tires, driver, MG front, infrared, HRSWC. FP armor: F24, L22, R22, B22, T15, U20. Accel.: 15g/5a, top speed 180g/150a, HC 3g/2a; 5,750 lbs., $46,300. DJ

CanAir Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: Luxury grasshopper, x-hvy. chassis, hvy. suspension, small copter power plant, 4 PR tires, driver, MG front, amphibious modification, HRSWC, streamlining. Sloped FP armor: F20, L20, R20, B20, T5, U20. Accel. 15g/5a/15w, top speed 217.5g/180a/142.5w, HC 3g/2a/1w; 6,600 lbs., $48,620. DJ