Brannon Braga Memorial Arena
Bozeman, Montana

The citizens of Bozeman decided to build a memorial to their hometown hero, Brannon Braga (Star Trek writer and producer). An arena was constructed in his honor. Open year-round, the arena is host to dueling events and Star Trek-related festivities.

Arena Notes:

The arena floor is loose dirt and rocks. Walls and obstacles are indestructible. The gates are 20 DP and will open when rammed.

Arena Schedule:

Sunday - Challenge Night
Monday - Team Events
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Amateur Night
Thursday - AADA Divisionals
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Special Events

Arena Events:

Team Events - Participating teams are named after Star Trek aliens and empires. Names include Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Jem 'Hadar, Bajorans, and Dominion. Some teams go as far as painting their cars up like the starships of the team name's race. The teams start in the outlining areas, then make their way to the central area. Either two or four teams fight at the same time. As designed, the arena can be divided into halves or quarters.

Star Trek Theme Night - the arena management delights in coming up with theme nights. They're usually based on characters or actual episodes. Examples: Captain Kirk, Balance of Terror, and Klingon Karnival.

Special Events:

Racing - A racer begins in one of the outer areas, then races through all of the other outer areas of the arena. Between the tight tunnels, corners, and the wide open outer area it can get pretty hairy at times. Some jokingly call this event 'connecting the subplots together'.

Arena Slang:

Main Plot - center area of the arena.
Sub-Plots - outer areas of the arena.
Wormholes - tunnels.

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